
Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Welcome to the latest iteration of the View from Valehaven. Back in the day this was a print magazine put out in a monthly format. Its intent was to inform the community of Realm’s players as to what was going on within the community. It listed upcoming events, contained works of fiction, art and insights into the game we all play. While times have changed, including the format used to publish the View, the intent of this website is to do the same things the View from Valehaven has always done. Promote the game we all play.

This website will be run “blog-style”; i.e. there will be updates to the site during the week with new content that will hopefully be of value on some level for everyone. There will be interviews, fiction, art, and articles looking into the game we play. Our goal is to make this a place where people want to come to often and check out what the latest offering is.

This is a place is for all of us and, as such, most of the content to be found on this site will be produced by you, the players. Check out the Submissions note to find out how you can add to the content here. The View will only grow and continue with help from everyone.

We are excited to be bringing the Realms the latest version of the View and we hope this will become a place where the players of the Realms can come to for insight and information about our game.