
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Plot View - Kathrani

This series is where we take a look at one of the ongoing plots to be found within the Realms. This article is from one of the plot-holders and is a good basis for gaining some fundamental information about the plot.

The Kathrani:
The Kathrani is not so much as plot as a group of people that want to get ‘more involved’ in the Realms and Carrie Plot. Becoming Kathrani is part culture, part personal challenge, part e-quest, and completely optional. No one HAS to be Kathrani to participate in the plot. No one that starts on the Path to becoming Kathrani has to remain on the Path. An individual may stop or quit at any time.

There are a couple restrictions to being accepted as a Kathrani:
-Your character needs to be a good guy for the most part.
-Your character cannot practice Necromancy of any kind (even if the character doesn’t view it as Necromancy). Additionally, characters that are tolerant of Necromancy use will likely not make it as Kathrani. Characters that worship gods of Necromancy likely also will not be accepted.

To get involved in the Kathrani, it is recommended that you read the section in the Ivory Library about the Kal en Dral, and speak with other members of the Order. No character will be discriminated against unless they are outside the restrictions listed above. When you and your character are ready to apply to become Kathrani, contact Carrie Dolph at If she is not very familiar with you or your character, she may send you a questionnaire to fill out before beginning the process.