
Thursday, September 1, 2011

10 Questions - Abe "Ranger" Passardi

This incarnation of the View from Valehaven is bringing back the 10 Questions format wherein we ask a player 10 questions so we can all get to know them a little better. This is the first of the series.

Abe "Ranger" Passardi 

Photo by Robyn
How long have you been playing?
Since 1993 right out of high school and into a life long LARP

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
The fighting has not changed but the spell system has changed many times. Spell caster were a lot more powerful back in earlier years; almost anyone of them could alter the path of a event. Now spell casters only play a secondary roll in the game as helpers to the fighters.

Who have you learned the most from?
There could not be just one person in this question- Jason Gray(Baba), Andy Disbro, Steve(Shadow), Jeremy Grayson(Night Hawk), PJ, Matt(Zula), Jerermy(Crow), Kelly(Twin), Randy, and many more.

What was your best moment IC?
When the God(Garic) of Magical gates and Nature came to me and showed me the world through his eyes and how many worlds and planes there are out there. Not only did he teach me of them but how to open magical gates to the worlds and planes; at that time I became a apprentice to a god which was very cool! I learned that the world I was in was only one of many worlds and as that knowledge grew I learned I have a much bigger duty to keeping the balance, not just in one world but all worlds and planes. So I started out on my quests set forth by my God (Garic). 
To learn of these worlds and planes and to ask the gods or ruling immortals of these worlds or planes if it is ok for me to come and go freely form there home worlds or planes. This is my characters main quest, the more worlds and planes I get access to, the more freedom I have to help these areas. I was told by Garic when I am ready to transcend into a immortal (Lesser Godhood) then any plane or world I have not gotten permission to most likely I will not be able to go there at all. At this time my character becomes a NPC and I would have to make a new character lol not something I am planing on doing for a very long time. But it would be cool to be written into the game's history and one of the gods. For now I am an inter-planer defender/explorer.

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
NPC- I was playing an orc and there was a horde of us chasing a very large group of players. They were all running away and the horde stopped chasing them but I did not. When the players stopped running and turned around it was just me left and the tide of the battle changed very fast as they chased me the other way with them being the horde now! That was so much fun when they turned around and there was only one orc still chasing them.
EH- When I made a night quest with two paths one physical and one mental. Only 5 people took the physical path and I still hear about it how much they loved it. It had a zip-line, 4 rope swings and an area that you had to climb uphill on a rope over water. If you fell off any part you got washed down stream back to the beginning to start again.
Player-It was up at Creathorne in a plastic dungeon. I came upon a group of 8 new players and they were at a room with 6 monsters. The new people were trying to get into the room and I came up and asked if they wanted some help, of course they said yes. I attacked and quickly lost all my limbs. I was then dragged into the room of monsters with no limbs. The new people though it was over at that point. I healed my limbs in the back of the room and stealthily took out 2 of the four monsters. Then a third and then attacked the last three in open battle and this point I said the room is clear you can come in now and the 8 new players with blank looks on there faces said who are you and I said "They call me Ranger" that was a good memory of helping people. They were amazed that I cleared the whole room by myself.

Photo by Robyn

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
I love questing events, and events that help define everyone's characters to new levels. The game is limited in progression but not in things that could progress a character's own story line. I think magic items in the game are one of these things that help develop a character past the limits of the basic game levels. I think magic items should not just go away and they are part of the history of the characters and the game and should stay in. If a EH does not want a certain item in their event then just say no to it and the player puts it away till the next event.

What advice would you give new players?
Explore, Adventure, Take chances, Talk to people, Laugh at the absurd, and Cherish the memories you walk away with.

What do you love most about the game?
The people that make this all possible, the ones holding Events. The ability to cast a spell and see if it effects things around you.

Who would you like to see the next interview be with? 
Kelly Bonci

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
Thank you all that keep coming to these events, they would not happen without constant participation. Bring more people in every chance you get and keep the game going.