
Friday, October 14, 2011

The View From Vilehaven

Chimeron Unveils New Brand Name
As Reported by I. S. Noop

Chimeron has been given the right by the courts, the Fae Courts that is, to legally change their name.  From now on, they wish to be known as Chimeron Lite.  Their new slogan is “Less laws but still feels great!”
They feel a new approach to rulership, with less centralized governing, will allow them to grow further.  They have also replaced all former laws with only one.  The new law, punishable by death, is that no member of Chimeron Lite is allowed to martyr themselves for any cause.  This has met with some fierce resistance from members, but the King has remained adamant about the ruling.  Some who oppose the ruling are contemplating a hunger strike, but the King has pointed out that if they die of hunger to prove their conviction, they will be punished.
When ask how they felt about the measure, an undisclosed member of the Free Nations is quoted as saying, “They may be Lite, but we’re still Free of calories…I mean, of martyrs.”