
Friday, December 2, 2011

A Fighting Chance - Nemesis by Leanne "Faelinn" Hoffman

Welcome to "A Fighting Chance".  This article series is dedicated to various threats of Realms and how you can become involved.

Threat:  Nemesis
Plot Masters: Jay Micciche, Kathy Fey, Al Nelson
Plot Start: 1993/1994

Nemesis is a demon prince who has shown up in the Realms over the past fifteen years.  No one seems to know what exactly Nemesis is after or why his wraiths have been showing up more over the past few years.  Some people have been marked by the wraiths and are actively being hunted by the demon.

The wraiths made their first appearance in many years at the Island of Dr. Slashblight  in Kelguardia in 1004, and continue to crop up with increasing frequency.

The Monsters:

The most notable monsters associated with Nemesis are the Nemesis Wraiths.  These wraiths are easy to spot (all black garb, black cloak, black masks) and each sport a unique magic weapon.  Because they look so similar, the wraiths are usually noted by their weapons to tell them apart. (ie. the Bow Wraith, the Mace Wraith)   Each of the wraiths has a unique set of powers and have proven very difficult to keep down for long.

Historical accounts say that Nemesis was able to possess and control heroes of the Realms.  Baron Diamond Banecroft and Tetch have recounted stories of all the nobles in the Realms working for Nemesis against their friends.  Nemesis has been shown to possess individuals to speak to others or to direct and command his wraiths in a more hands on manner.

Demon princes and wraiths? No problem!  Just take a few things with you...

It has been said that to defeat  the Nemesis Wraiths, one would need to fight them with matched weapons.  All the wraiths have been bested in honorable combat at least once, save for the Bow Wraith.  The wraiths are very particular about how precise the matched weapons are.  Come prepared!

The magic weapons wielded by the wraiths yield some pretty devastating powers and effects.  Make sure you’re ready to go with your armor and some back up weapons.  Magic weapons have been known to get disenchanted.  Make sure you have a spare, or a friendly Blacksmith to fix it for you.

“While the art of writing had long since existed, very few of the natives of that Age bothered to write anyting down. Many of the myths of our time have actually been substantiated by the scrolls penned by Lornher.” - o Brandine, Scribe of Layldon

Nemesis wraiths are almost never found alone.  Groups have been known to swarm an unwary adventurer and leave them in the dirt.  Keep your eyes open and watch for an opportunity.

The wraiths employ many unique powers and effects when fighting.  Some attacks from the wraiths are hard to overcome, so keep trying and don’t get discouraged.  Experience will let you learn what to expect from each wraith.  Watch out for Power Drain and the occasional fireball or armor piercing shot from one of them.  

Nemesis marks are pretty easy to point out as it looks like a stylized N  - *)\(*. People who are marked cannot actually see the mark themselves, so don’t be too confused if they don’t know what you’‘re talking about.

Many older adventures have learned things the hard way in dealing with Nemesis.  Those stories of days gone past might hold a valuable key to combating the wraiths today.  Information can be lost over the years, but sometimes it’s still there.  Ask around!

Who to talk to:

Want to know more?  The winter months usually mean missives and plotting! Try to catch these people and talk to them; Baron Diamond Banecroft, Malaki of Folkestone, Bright Oakfellow, and Gideon of Coventry are all good people to talk to.  The Library of Ivory also a large supply of information about this threat courtesy of Lohrner.  

Do you have a threat you want to see covered?  Let me know, so we can give other people a fighting chance.