
Friday, January 20, 2012

A Fighting Chance - Just a Myth by Leanne "Faelinn" Hoffman

Welcome to "A Fighting Chance".  This article series is dedicated to various threats of Realms and how you can become involved.

Threat:  Just a Myth
Plot Masters: Dave Key-Wallace, Matt Daviault
Plot Start: 2010

In the infinite possibilities and infinite places, if you could be anything...what would you be?

In an alternate world, a murdered king was laid to rest.  A lost heir was found and the people of Pious City have ventured forth into unknown territory.  Across the savage lands a plot swirls around an evil goddess and her minions that plague their world.  The goddess Zerastryx digs her claws into the world and would destroy the world with fire.  An adventure through a portal has many possibilities.  A great destiny lies at the end of this chapter and all of that makes for a great story...if you take the word of a meddling bard.

The Monsters:
“I had a dream so deep and so real...the memory stays with me when I close my eyes.  A dream so real that the morning light does not chase away my darkest fears.  A dream so terrible I shudder and weep when the sun sets and darkness falls.”  from The Prophesy of the Falling Stars by Samuel e’Derleth, Exile

Monsters plague all the worlds.  Some are very similar to the ones we see often in the Realms.  Bandits (bandit masks) raid supply lines and trade routes from Pious City towards the Savage Lands.  Some seem more organized than others, but they are usually found in large groups.  

Draconic generals of Zerastryx (dragon masks, flame tabards) have been seen leading armies of human cultists or undead.  The generals have special powers depending on their color (green, blue, red, black and white).  There are also rumors that the powers and colors of the generals are mockeries of the gods.

The clans of the Savage Lands are easily distinguished by their attire.  Named after an animal, the clan members personify the attributes of their totem animal. While the Crane clan are graceful in their white cloaks, the Wolf clan is fierce in their fur mantles.  Of the seven clans, many do not get along with each other and will fight openly.

Running through portals into an alternate world?  Sounds like fun!

While the Lands of Myth might seem simliar to the Realms at first glance, there are some strange differences.  The most notable is the people of the world have different abilities than those of the Realms.  While you may be a learned scholar devoted to magic in the Realms, your alternate “twin” might be a holy paladin of Valinaar who can wield larger weapons and cast powerful healing magic.  What you might be able to wield and what your “twin” may might be very different.  Your subconscious might have an inkling to the difference so don’t think twice if you find yourself grabbing for spell components or weapons you can’t normally use. (Realms characters play alternate versions of themselves in the Land of Myth).  Bringing extra armor, weapons, or spell components can’t hurt.

Ready to take on minions of the dragon goddess?

The lawless men who organize themselves into bandit camps use their numbers to their advantage.  Usually there will be one barking orders to their underlings.  Taking out the leader can cause enough confusion for you to get the upper hand against numerous foes.

Just like human bandits, the draconic generals will lead small groups of human cultists.  The cultists are particularly fanatical in their belief.  The generals will usually send their groups to attack specific targets.  Listen for the orders and be ready.  Also keep an eye out for the color of the draconic general.  Each has shown to have different powers that can aid their allies.

Who to talk to:

Want to know more?  The winter months usually mean missives and plotting! Try to catch these people and talk to them; Quinn of Chimeron, Iawen Penn of Coventry, and Malaki of Folkestone.  Many more people jumped through a portal to save the bard.  Maybe you can find them with a little asking.

Do you have a threat you want to see covered?  Let me know, so we can give other people a fighting chance.