
Thursday, March 15, 2012

10 Questions - Tim "James Swift" Suitor

Tim "James Swift" Suitor

Photo by Casey Lemay
How long have you been playing?
I'll be getting my fifth Tourneys of Creathorne bracelet this year, so I've been in almost five.

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
The game has been few a couple rules changes, some new spells, some nerfs, a fair bit of stuff, but it's still the same game.

Who have you learned the most from?
I've learned a lot from a lot of people.  Grimloch taught me a time or two to behave myself.  And I'm glad, I really am.  Travis Wilcox taught me a lot too, he taught me to 'try it', to experiment and see what happens.  And Janna Oakfellow-Pushee, she taught me to be loud, among a million other things.  (Believe it or not, once I was timid!)

What was your best moment IC?
We were in hell, sieging Lucius's castle.  I am more than well aware Abjury is next to useless in most situations, even more so against the big boss.  As a three path I couldn't really get in there two well, so I was settling on scalping the wall with my Holy Mace when he showed up.  The big demon himself.  What the hey, why not.  So I bellow out an Enfeeble Being him, ending in a nice loud 'SUCK IT!', and of course he just looks at me and Resists Magic.  The marshal next to me however told me the spell reflected, so I popped my Resist magic.  Then I heard him start off with "I banish you to...".  I had to recast my Resist Magic fast, and it just got up when he finished his spell, and it bounced right off me.  So, I started shouting my last Enfeeble.  I like to think he was walking away because I out Abjured him.

Photo by Douglas Fisher

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
Feast of Blackwood this past year.  It was the most fun I've had in AGES.  But there was one moment when a wraith like creature scalped me, and it was supposed to really mess you up, it hurt your character's soul because it tried to enter you.  The marshal was explaining to me that it feels like I've been scalped ten times.  Another marshal came by and said "Wait, that's James Swift!  He actually roleplays his soul and scalping.  Swift, it feels worse than thirty times."  Yes it hurt, but it was nice to see marshals will play along if you have a schtick sometimes.

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
Honestly, I would like to see something done with Abjury.  Either buff it or drop it.  It has some great flavorful spells, but so many NPCs aren't even briefed on what to do, or marshals just say no, that it's next to worthless.  That, and Roleplay, we are a LARP gosh darnit!  Roleplay more people!

What advice would you give new players?
Meet people, introduce yourself, find out what's going on. Get involved in a plot, plots are a lot of fun and give your character more depth and things to do.  Other advice, get spells, Magic rules.

What do you love most about the game?
The people and the chance to really connect.  It may be a game, but feeling like you can trust someone and they have your back is a great way to bond with someone.

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
My pal Roland, or Travis/Janna

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
Oh boy, is there ever.  But I've been scalped 23 times in my 4 active years.  I'm not going to admit to anything in print ;-)

[For the ladies, we have an extra photo today.]

Photo by Dustin Mack