
Thursday, March 8, 2012

New Content

We have a couple of new series upcoming for the View From Valehaven.

First up is Honor Unto the Realms; in fact, a short bit later today we will see the first article in the series. The initial concept was presented to me by Tim "Kai" Bonci as a way for a person to bring recognition to a person of the Realms that they admire in some way. There will be no one seeking out people to interview with this series and it will be completely driven by the players. If there is someone you admire or think deserves some recognition then write it up and send into the View ( or
A couple of quick guidelines on this series. Try to pick someone not in your own group or nation; it will have more impact if you choose someone you do not normally associate with. Also, try to give us more than a line or two of why you admire this player. Maybe give a story of an encounter with that person or something you've seen them do that highlights what you like about them.
If you have someone in mind but you are not sure how to write such an article, take a look at the first article for Honor Unto the Realms that will be posted later today.

The second series is Fresh Faces, which is an idea brought to me by Angela "Phoenix" Gray. It is another form of 10 Questions, but with the focus on our new players (players who have been going to events for a year or less). In fact, the questions will be different than the traditional 10 Questions and will focus more on a new players experiences and thoughts. I think this is an excellent way for new players to be introduced to the Realms in general and I heartily recommend reading the series so we can all get to know our new players and work toward including them in our game.

I loved these ideas as I feel its the players who bring the Realms to life and anything we can do to learn more about each other is a positive thing for the Realms.
The plan is to run the regular 10 Questions on the first and third week of the month, Honor Unto the Realms on the second week of the month and Fresh Faces on the last week of the month. Obviously, this may change depending on what kind of and when we get articles, especially for Honor Unto the Realms, which will be completely driven by you the readers and players.