
Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Fighting Chance - Shadowright by Leanne "Faelinn" Hoffman

Welcome to "A Fighting Chance".  This article series is dedicated to various threats of Realms and how you can become involved.

Threat:  Shadowright/Shadowbeasts
Plot Masters: Carrie Dolph
Plot Start: 1993

The second war with the Nameless One saw many terrible and savage creatures grace the Realms.  None struck more fear during the night that the Shadowbeasts and their master.

Zallord, the first Shadowright, served the Nameless One and was eventually slain.

Childrak, the second Shadowright, served the vampire Tabitha and he too was eventually destroyed.

A new Shadowright has arisen.  Who does he serve?  And what motivates the third Shadowright and why does he make new Shadowbeasts?

The Monsters:
“A new Shadow-wright has been born. A new shadow-pack has been bred.
This menace should be stopped before it gains more power.” - Ka-Rael of the Wairudo circle of Munuko

Shadowbeasts (black mask, black tabards) are terrifying creatures of darkness created from the souls of slain children.  They make themselves known by their fierce howling and can be found in groups or pack of five.  These creatures have some intelligence and in the past have been able to tell who can wield magic (a spell-caster) or can repeat short messages from their masters.  They have been known to regenerate lost limbs and are only vulnerable to magic and silver weapons.

Pack Master shadowbeasts are a more hardy form of creature.  They are the leader of their pack of beasts and have the power to restore dissipated shadowbeasts as well as disrupting Light and Circle of Protection spells.

The current Shadowright is a man named Benjamin Miller, a Ranelek (a follower of the Kal kre Bain).  A Shadowright is a mortal who is bound by a contract to a demon from the Plane of Shadow.  Little is known about Miller save that he lost his wife and children were murdered deliberately by unknown men.  The experience changed Miller and he thinks that what he does is right...oblivious to the strings that are pulling him in different directions.  Who is pulling those strings?  No one knows, though it is hinted that there are two forces involved.

As a Ranelek, Miller might have other mortal allies.  It is rumored that there are twelve Ranelek who are organized into two “circles”; a circle of four and a circle of eight (in a similar way to Kathrani).  The allies of his “circle” are unknown, but other Ranelek seem to have powers based on their associated Bain element.  For example, the Ranelek known as Riven has powers associated with poison.

Whoa!  Living shadows and bain followers?  Time to start grabbing your gear....

Shadowbeasts have been encountered in the Realms since 1993 (Realms year 993) in various incarnations and packs.   As mentioned before, they are vulnerable to silver and magic weapons.  This won’t destroy a shadowbeast, but it will dissipate it for a time.  They can be held at bay by Light spells, though if the light is blocked or shadowed, the beast will not be affected by it.

Aeston Stromgate has a specially made silver pole arm to fight shadowbeasts. Blacksmiths will be in high demand to silver weapons and to repair armor.  Extra rope for Circles of Protection, Mystic Forges and other circle spells will be of great use since many casters don’t carry extra rope.

While each Ranelek might have a specialty that spell-casters might have a slight edge in negating (Purity to Poison or Disease, Disenchants, Protect the Soul), they are mortals just like everyone else.  More martially inclined heroes with a range of skill and expertise will have plenty to do.  You don’t need to be Kathrani or even know anything about the Kal en Dral to fight the bad guys and save the day.  

Ready to save the day and send the bad guys packing?

Shadowbeasts, though limited in intelligence use pack tactics to great effect.  The Pack Master will motivate the rest of the pack to their chosen target and maneuver themselves in prime positions.  Once they have their chosen target, they will chase it until it is slain or beasts are dissipated.  If the Pack cannot succeed as a whole, one beast will throw itself at the problem while the rest defend the one from outside difficulties, even if that means they must martyr themselves to do so.  You can combat the shadowbeasts tactics by situational awareness and staying in groups.  

Finding out who is pulling the strings on the current Shadowright is going to be a big part in his downfall and preventing this from happening again.  No one knows who is manipulating Miller, and he himself probably doesn’t realize he’s playing into someone else’s plans.  Miller thinks he’s doing what is right.  Some Ranelek (Riven and Malchior) have been able to be reasoned with while others (Greer) cannot be.  It might be worth the time to talk with him.

In the past, the Shadowright has lost its power by destroying their contract with the Shadow Demon.  Miller is said to have the contract on him, so this might not be an option.

Who to talk to:

Want to know more?  The spring season is just starting...and that means questing!  Try to catch these people and talk to them; Kyomi and Tara Harkon of Chimeron as well as Phoenix and Malaki of Folkestone.  This isn’t the first Shadowright so some of the older adventurers might remember something from the fights against Zallord and Childrak.  The Library of Ivory has some information about this threat as well.

Do you have a threat you want to see covered?  Let me know, so we can give other people a fighting chance.