
Friday, May 4, 2012

Happenings On The Emerald Path

A news and announcements section of what Realms players are doing outside of the Realms. If you know of any news feel free to let us know at

Rissa "Quazar" Sullivan, is known for reading tarot cards, both in and out of character.  She is part of True Psychic Network and hosts the Rissa Raven's Spirit Power Hour on Mondays at 8:00 PM.  You can watch live via the web or watch a recorded version Wednesdays at 11:05 PM. You can also follow her blog, or stop in to see her at All About You, a holistic day spa and yoga center in Westminister MA where she reads in person.

The Sixth Wall, a play written and directed by Jacob "Hermian" Bouvier is being performed at the Stevens Memorial Building in Chester VT. on Friday 5/4, Saturday 5/5, and Sunday 5/6.  He will be graduating from the Chester College of New England later in the month with a degree in creative writing (and minor in theater).  The show is his senior project.  His small arts college is having financial issues and the faculty, alumni and students are working hard to try to fundraise so it can continue.  Proceeds from concession sales are going to Save Chester College and donations will also be accepted at the show.  If you are interested in attending and want more detailed information email Angela at

Congratulations to Jesse "Mestoph" Gifford, Hillary "Tara" Fotino, Marc "Kazuki" Samson, Jacob "Hermian" Bouvier, Paul "Grindin" Tilton and all of the other Realmsies who either recently have or will be soon graduating.

Outside of Realms, Becky Garbos is one of the Realmsies who is with the scouting community.  She started to work with them in 2007.  She has been a leader at several different levels with the Boy Scouts.  Right now she serves as a Unit Commissioner.  Someone who helps out multiple units.  She has also been in charge of the Girl Scout Cookie sale in Nashua for several years.  The picture below shows her getting hit with a pie by the scout who sold the most popcorn.

Justin Boyce, son of Rori "Rhiannon" Boyce who many may remember attending events when he was younger recently took first place in his school's talent show earlier this month. The video is available for your viewing enjoyment.

Photo by Jessica Day- not a Realmsie but an ooc friend. 
View more of Labbit's adventures on her blog.
Happy Birthday!!

Jacob "Gideon" Valeri - May 4th                            Matthew "Cecil" Brenner - May 5th
Kevin "XT" Weeks - May 5th                                Michael "Meds" Pacella - May 10th
Tim "Orado" Shaffer - May 11th                            Rhiannon "Tria" Chiacchiaro - May 11th
Charles "Aldous" Davis - May 12th                        Kevin "Leo" Weldell - May 13th
Steven "Kaelkatar" Yazinka - May 15th                 Chelsea "Hoods/Aleta" Stoddard - May 16th

(If you know of others occurring between 5/4-5/17 please wish them happy birthday in the comments.)