
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why I Want to Go- Journey Into the Mountains of Madness

Journey Into the Mountains of Madness: On the Brink
May 5, 2012 (Saturday 12pm) - May 5, 2012 (Saturday 10pm)

The reviews from last year's event by this staff were very positive and the event even won some View awards. This event promises to be more of the same solid questing. They will be using their Sanity rules again so expect to be on the edge for the duration of the event. In addition, this looks to be a full immersion event as they want everyone to carry in what they plan to be using for the entire event; i.e. no running off to the car for what you forgot or the local pizza place for dinner.

If you have been to this site before you know it is a wonderful place. There are plenty of trails for questing and it has a nice feel to it...and there are no mundanes walking along to disrupt things. The event is being billed as a high risk event so come prepared.