
Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Fighting Chance - Black Star Guild by Leanne "Faelinn" Hoffman

Welcome to "A Fighting Chance".  This article series is dedicated to various threats of Realms and how you can become involved.

Threat:  The Black Star Guild
Plot Masters: Sean Veale, Janna Oakfellow-Pushee
Plot Start: pre-1997

The mysterious people known as the Black Star Guild are rumored to have been around since the Purging.  They are a group of mortal mages who have an intense hatred of Fae and work to see them destroyed.  They also seek the freedom of their lost founder and master from the Mysts of Fae.

Though not seen, the Black Star Guild’s effects on the state of both fae and the mortal realm were well known in several incidences. It was the Black Star Guild which provided Titania with a gift called the Cup of Mists. After drinking from the cup, Titania began to lose her hold on reality and started her descent into madness.  At the gathering later known as ‘What Fools These Mortals Be’, it was thought to be Guild mage Prospero who brought the seventh and final Wayland blade to the gathering. When all seven came together, the Furies were unleashed.

The Black Star Guild always seems to be at the right place at the right time...

The Monsters:
Master Ragnar Blackmane - They're getting closer. Watch and observe, and then approach those who carry the swords after a few moons, if possible. They will be the key to Fae's undoing from Chimeron, and then finally the kingdom of the rowan leaf can be left alone, like most of the Realms, without faerie influence. - Lord Roger Byecross

The Guild is organized into five different sects, each with their own powers, personalities and goals.  A vast majority of the Guild members are human, although they will accept almost all non-fae creatures into their ranks.  Many of the rank and file members of the Guild do not care about the politics and policies which drive it.  They are mostly about the creation of jobs, food, shelter and the means to provide for their family.  The Masters and Lords of each group are the true movers and shakers.

The Shield (shiny blue tabards, armor) and the Torch (red tabards and tribal accessories) are the more martial of the Guild’s forces.  They stand on the front line of many excursions undertaken by the Guild.  Members of the Shield sect wearing Chimeron militia favors have been encountered while Torch sect members have been spotted in Archoria.  Both groups pull members from all walks of life and are engaged in more martial missions, blending sword and sorcery.

The often rumored but seldom seen members of the Force (while tabards, white ninja/bandit masks) are the assassins and scouts of the Guild.  Little is known about them, save that even other sects fear them.

The Hammer (green tabards and peasant clothing) are an officially disbanded sect within the group.  Their leader was supposedly executed and the remainder of the members scattered to the winds.   

The Circle (purple clothing or accent pieces) sect houses some of the most powerful mages of the Guild.  The circle dabbles in all sort of arcane arts and seem to make themselves heavily involved in Guild practices and politics. Circle mages favor runic magic and other experimental spells over fighting prowess.  Mages of the Circle have been known to summon dread creatures from other realms to aid them and do their bidding.

Summoned monsters have been employed time and again in dealings with the Guild to various levels of success.  The fearsome Gruagach was reported to be quite large, with long arms. One arm consisted of a cold iron claw and the other was so massive that it has the force of a large boulder. Though the creature was slain, it shows that the Guild leaders are not above summoning powerful creatures to wreck havoc upon all who cross its path.  

How do you prepare against an enemy that uses both martial and magic attacks?

Mages and fighters die to normal weapons all the time and the Guild members are no exception.  A variety of weapons might be useful in case some of the Guild are magically protected.  

The creatures summoned by the Guild have varied in effectiveness and strength.  Again, a variety of weapon types might be helpful in discovering the beasts weaknesses.  Until then, Blacksmiths and Healers will be needed to support the line.  Abjury might weaken the monster, but if you study the creature’s tactics and fighting style, anyone with a sharp eye can help out.   Oddly enough, some of the creatures summoned are decidedly fae in origin.  Fae stones and fae blades might be of use.

Adventurers are notoriously resourceful when fighting the bad guys.

Spellcasters may see their Circles of Protection or Wards disrupted.  Turn around is always fair play.  While rare, a friendly abjurer can turn the tactics of the Guild back at them

Some Guild members have been known to utilize Wayland magic.  Keep your fae allies well away from The Black Star Guild.  Even if they don’t use Wayland magic or fae stones, the Guild has been known to go out of their way to kill or neutralize fae creatures.  Teamwork will keep you fae allies out of the Guild’s reach.  When confronted with superior numbers, the Guild has been known to turn tail and run.  Use that to your advantage.

One thing to keep in mind is that not all of the Guild members are out to kill all of Fae.  Most are common men who were looking for a chance to make a living and feed their families.  The higher ups of the Guild are the true enemy.  Focus your determination on them and try not to take it out on the commoners.

Disenfranchised members of the Hammer might prove to be great allies.  Though their leader was reported to be killed, he is actually alive and well.  That bit of knowledge might be enough to turn the Hammer against the rest of the Guild.

Who to talk to:

Want to know more?  Summer is just around the corner and that means more weekend events!  Try to catch these people and talk to them; Ged Lorenispum of Rua Thar Cinn, Tara Harkon of Griffindor, Khol Thunderwalker and Johan of Mythguard, and Setsei Harlest of Kalithnos.  The Library of Ivory has some information in letters and missives.

Do you have a threat you want to see covered?  Let me know, so we can give other people a fighting chance!