
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Why I Want to Go - Adventure 2

Adventure 2: Somethings Wrong
June 15, 2012 (Friday 12pm) - June 17, 2012 (Sunday 5pm)

A quest event with the emphasis firmly entrenched in questing and role-playing. The first part of this series was pronounced a good time that delivered what it promised. This event will be the same. The event writeup places a great emphasis on role-playing; there are consequences for egregious out-of-character actions. The goal is to provide an immersive, serious role-playing experience. If this is what you are looking for then this is the event for you!
Note the start time on Friday as noon. If you are planning on attending the entire event, you will want to arrange your schedule for this early start time.

The event site is a good one for questing and eventing. There is plenty of room for camping, the tavern area is nice and there are trails, fields and woods to play in. The site was designed for Realms and it does its job well. The site is perfect for what the eventholders are trying to accomplish at this event.