
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Why I Want To Go - The Brothers of Sanctuary

The Brothers of Sanctuary: T5C: Druids, Demons and things that begin with D
July 7, 2012 (Saturday 12pm) - July 7, 2012 (Saturday 7pm)

A quest into Hell being run as a slug-fest. Sounds like a good time. This also means that even if you have not been following the plotline there will still be something for you to do; hit stuff. While the event promises lots of combat, there will also be some mental challenges from puzzles and role-playing. However, this will not be a simple day of killing, for there will be a time limit to accomplishing all the player's goals...and as seen in previous installments of this plot, the players can fail.

This event is a public park and thus there will be non-Realms around (joggers, bikers and walkers with pets) and we will want to keep them in mind. Fortunately, the event is planning on staying off the trails, so this will minimize (but not eliminate) our contact with the non-Realmers. The site itself has some excellent and varied questing terrain with a river (no swimming), trails, woods, and hills. As someone remarked recently, the site is huge; you can use it without feeling enclosed and still not see half of it.