
Friday, August 31, 2012

10 Questions - John "Dresh-ma Keth" Schuster

John "Dresh-ma Keth" Schuster

How long have you been playing?
I have been playing as Dresh-ma Keth for just over three years.

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
It seems that Realms has migrated from a very quest centric game to more of a tournament based system. Not sure how I feel about that.   

Who have you learned the most from?
Cecil.  His abilities as a caster, a leader, and a thinker are things to look up to.  He has a good heart and he can hold his liquor. 

What was your best moment IC?
King Cecil's coronation, when I handed him the dagger that I crafted.  The dagger took around 13 hours to complete; lots of blood, sweat, and tears (actually cut myself with a box cutter...whoops).  Anyway, I felt a great deal of pride when I saw the pleased look in his eyes as I presented him his gift.  He still wears the dagger at his side to this day.

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
I would have to say my favorite moment would be...scaring the daylights out of a PC while I was NPCing for my event, On The Brink.  The scene was moody, atmospheric, and downright was perfect.

Photo by Charles Davis

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
I would love to see the incorporation of races; including benifits, detriments, and costume requirements. Amber Haley (Yipp) was working on some intersting concepts for adding racial classes to Realms.  I feel this would add another fundamental layer of RPing that our game is missing right now.

What advice would you give new players?
1.  Wear bright colors for your first few events, less chance of being accused that you are a necromancer that way (because aparently throwing lightning bolt, magic missiles, and having a 10 point familiar isn't enough proof...ah well).
2.  Don't join a nation or guild for your first year.  Play the field.  
3.  Don't make a fool of yourself at your first drinking event, your legacy will live on long after your character does.
4.  Don't be afraid to jump into a plot, even an established one...have fun!

What do you love most about the game?
That is a tough one.  It would be a toss up between a strong sense of community, both IC and OC or the ability to be crafty (leather smithing, foam smithing, monster creation).  Realms has enriched my life beyond just the weekend warrior to improve my day to day life. 

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
I know this is jumping the shark here, but Prince Bob.  Good luck with that.

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
There is more On The Brink coming in 2013.  Muhahaha!!!