
Friday, August 24, 2012

Seneschal's Introduction and Song

Today we have the Seneschal's introduction at this year's Queen of Hearts XIX for Team Matiya, followed by the song entry. Both were created and sung by Dano "Piper" Knobel.

Photo by Angela Earle Gray - 2012
Make ample way to the tourney field!
Hey, you! Let us through! Let the fighting yield!
Oh, come be the first on the site to meet their eyes!
Make way, here they come! Ring bells, bang the drums!
Ah! You gonna love these guys!

Meet our queen, lovely and keen, our Queen Matiya.
Strong and kind, with a sharp mind as you will see.
The spitting image of grace,
The best of the human race,
And most deserving of all to be the queen!

Killian! Ashenmark's kin, this year's team champion.
Tale untold, watch it unfold as the time flies.
Come see the underdog rise,
To fight for the winning prize,
And make history right before your eyes!

And our mage – oh what a sage! - capable Phoenix.
She will go, I'll have you know, straight to the top.
A master of the arcane,
Yet still continues to train,
A source of power that magic cannot stop!

And behold, stoic and bold, loyal Matthias.
He's not old (so I've been told), you can decide.
He's always there when you need,
A faithful person to lead
To victory you won't find a better guide!

Full of mirth, dame of the Earth, Lady Twenaria.
Nature's friend, kind to no end, nurtures, indeed!
With animals out the wazoo,
It's like a real badass zoo.
People caring as her is what we need!

Then there's me – last and definitely least compared to these amazing people. My name is Piper, lowly minstrel, and I am the seneschal for Team Matiya. I look forward to the unfolding tournament and may the best queen win!

And the song for team bardic...

Photo by Jay Bonci - 2012
Here's the Folkestone Hoedown, we hope you'll sing along!
Learn about our members as we celebrate in song!
These are epic deeds we sing of, let's make them better known!
And our fam'ly is forever so we'll never be alone!”

Some people seem to have great luck, for most it's not quite so
And when you venture to the Realms you've no idea where you might go.
And then Malaki arrived with little more than just a sword.
It seems the instant we recruited him we titled him our lord!”

Now about our queen – there's much to say – and even more to sing,
If she doesn't have a dagger, she's an interesting thing.
She'll survey all her surroundings then she'll make a little trade,
She will search your dagger off you and she'll shank you with your blade!”

Mestoph had a crazy time last year at Feast of Min
Yes, he said he'd kill and scalp me if I mentioned a melon.
But there are some stories that we know that should be told again--”

Though you may not know the fire of our Phoenix – or her scorn,
But she had a little run-in with a Syruss at Creathorne,
Now they've been friends for a while and sometimes it really shows,
Like when he turkeyed her high five and then she punched him in the nose!”

My epic deed? To pen this song and sing it here tonight,
And to find some epic tales of ours and bring them to the light.
But my family's too darn lazy to send messages my way
so it turns out after all this time: That's all I have to say.”