
Friday, September 7, 2012

The Grimloch Tribune

The Grimloch Tribune
By Callahan “Syruss” Marsden

RETURNING STORY: Chaotic Summer Cleaning up Akakios' Mess

We here at the Grimloch Tribune would like to apologize for the lack of news being reported. Akakios' minions followed by the heroes of the realms have once again swept in and stirred up the dust in Grimloch leaving us once again to put the pieces back together. A few of the places ruined in the process was Yimmit’s apothecary (already back up and running), my favorite pancake place (RIP you buttery, syrupy, goodness), AND THIS NEWSPAPER FIRM!!!!!!!!

For those of you who could not make to the Undead Zombie nightmare land known as Grimloch this summer here is what you missed.

The warriors of the Realms arrived in Grimloch to assist and seek solutions to the ongoing invasion by the forces of Akakios and his dastardly damaging undead.

Dr. Venture of Westwood had previously been placed in protective custody at Fort Bramble while perfecting a cure for the ailment of half breed 'infections' of undead spreading throughout towns. They are like undead only they sort of have a pluse, but they look real gross sooo yeah. 
He succeeded in his production and is able to reproduce limited batches throughout a given day.  With this tool and their brave actions, the Realms heroes were able to reinstate human populations in Iron Ridge, Grey Brook, and Thistle Grove as well as eliminate some of the higher ranking soldiers of Akakios.

The Heroes were able to break a curse within the ancient town of Yreth on its annual Day of the Dead by completing the ritual of marriage between Dame Twenaria and resident Nacho, I was told it was an excellent wedding, which none of us in Grimloch were invited to for some reason (hey we like a good wedding as much as the next guy).

When the marriage was completed, the natural elemental powers of the area could keep the undead sickness at bay for another year.  In return as well, the bridal party received a gift of runes that were found to be instrumental in the further defeat of Akakios and his Metal Lords.

Here is when we got the big guy Akakios' attention, who appeared in the 'flesh' along with his elite army of raiders, slaughtering many either as a show of force or some sort of warning perhaps.  Many of his soldiers previously had influenced the brave warriors of the Realms and as a result, he made many adventurers attack their long time friends. He then captured a few heroes to show that he was in control of the situation.

The heroes of the realms then pursued Akakios' trail to reclaim their compatriots throughout the night.   Sadly, the warriors abandoned the Fort Bramble site due to increasing pressure on its sentries.  Dr. Venture has been moved to a new location to continue his work.

In other news, the thief known as Flynn Rider was caught and executed for crimes against the state- he had raised the anger of Blade and the other Lords by hijacking the newly minted treasury on its way to storage at the Bank.  An undisclosed amount of coins has been lost amongst the wilds.
But that was our summer, that and finding time to come and fight in many MANY different tourneys.

A deadly taste of Heaven: Recipes from Empress Katasha of Grimloch
Hey guys, back from the depths of hell a.k.a Katasha’s cooking space and have I got something great for you. Have you ever gone to a Feast of Folkestone  or a Grimloch Grill and Games; or maybe you have been lucky enough to have purchased one of those fancy private dinners from our culinary connoisseur Katasha and was all like “How did she make that?” or “ Oh god if she cooks that good for all of Grimloch than why don’t I join?” (Why do you think we joined?) then you are in luck.

Because despite throwing kitchen knives and a few broken ribs, I can see why Syruss passed this off to me this time. I Theddy Quill investigative reporter managed to sneak into the Grimloch kitchen and into Katasha’s cookbook to bring you back this segment “A Deadly Taste of Heaven”
This week’s recipe

Pretty Chicken Marinade

Serves 4
  • 2/3 cup olive oil
  • 2/3 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons liquid smoke flavoring
  • 2 tablespoons spicy brown mustard
  • 2 teaspoons ground black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
  1. In a large bowl, mix the olive oil, soy sauce, lemon juice, liquid smoke, mustard, pepper, and garlic powder. Place chicken in the bowl, and coat with the marinade. Cover, and allow chicken to marinate a maximum of 4 hours in the refrigerator.
  2. Preheat the grill for high heat.
  3. Oil grill grate. Discard marinade, and place chicken on grate. Cook 6 to 8 minutes on each side, until juices run clear.
Taking the leap: From Citizen to Soldier.
This past Queen of Hearts was particularly eventful for the Nation of Grimloch not only did XT join the ranks of Members who have won the coveted title of Champion of Queen of Hearts (Sir Blade, Sir Guilliam, Syruss, and Grott) but Grimloch saw a boom in petitioners.
The class of 1012 was feeling lonely for Wrath but Queen of Hearts was destined to change that. On Saturday Grebinar from the church of Darkhaven took the first steps in joining the ranks of Grimloch.
The line was set up, Grebinar looked on at the people he would one day hope to call peers.  He tried to keep his composure as he stood there with sword and marne in hand; but he would be lying as would anyone if they said it is not a bit intimidating staring down a line of some of the fiercest fighters these lands have ever produced.
But Grebinar is not an average warrior he is twisted with the touch of the ALL, he relishes pain and fighting and longs for steel to shred flesh; so he smiled and he entered. Grebinar looked as though he was going to tear through the Gauntlet unmatched; truly his time training in Darkhaven and Grimloch has started to bear fruit. Things were going well until he reached the “BACK NINE” as I like to call it. It is the part of the Gauntlet that has some of the most seasoned fighters, as well as Grimloch’s leadership. Grebinar looked like he hit a brick wall at this point, with each fighter coming out of the gate fiercer than the last.
He trial was done, blood dripped from all his wounds yet he smiled. The Warlords presented him with what he desired: a new tabard and a year to prove himself part of the family, prove himself strong, and prove himself GRIMLOCH.
However Grebinar was not the only one to join the military ranks this weekend. Drike would leave the rank citizen and move on to petitioner. After putting in a hard weekends work showing the rest of the group that he was no ordinary citizen, he was no baker, or cooper, or cobbler he was the son of Rillian.  Born in the blood of the Borderlands, he was uprooted at a young age to the undead infested lands that haunt his nightmares to this day.
                Truly his was a sick childhood, he learned at a young age how to carry a weapon as well as to never be alone in the undying lands. He picked up whatever tricks his father’s brothers would teach him, learning mostly through trial and error (It’s a good thing Yimmit had plenty of potions of raise dead for the young boy). But over the years he grew stronger, and with that strength his skills started to develop.
Now it was Queen of Hearts and after years of being a mere citizen he was showing the fighting prowess that it would take to make the jump from citizen to petitioner.
The Gauntlet lined up yet one more time. The young Drike’s mouth had failed him when he searched for words to say why he was there, he managed to say “to take the next step” and grow to the next level.
With that he entered and he came out swinging. He looked strong and he fought hard, however the Grimloch boys were not about to have a repeat performance of yesterday’s Gauntlet. Each and every member was about to show this citizen what he truly was getting himself into. Drike ran into the Grimloch brick wall, not winning a single bout (actually I do think he managed a lucky kill, unfortunately this cracker jack reporter has …umm… forgot who) At the end of the tunnel of madness stood the Warlords and one more guest was by their side this gauntlet. It was his father, but he was not welcoming him with a warm glass of milk and cookies; instead he met his son with sword and shield.  Despite the pride he had for his boy, he was not about to let anyone just walk into his family he so loves. They fought strong and Drike fought well, but in the end it was his father teaching his son one more lesson.
Drike did not despair at his low kill count yet he relished the chance to grow and he knew the next time this Gauntlet lined up there would be different results.
SO congratulations to recruits Drike and Grebinar you have a long year ahead of you, make the best of this time and may the Force be with you.

Well that's it for this issue I am Theddy Quill reporting the facts, the whole facts, and nothing but the facts. Stay safe see you next week