
Thursday, October 11, 2012

10 Questions - Alysha "Kyntela" Metcalf

Alysha "Kyntela" Metcalf

Photo by Melissa Fitzgerald
How long have you been playing?
I started playing in the fall of 2006, when I was a freshman at UConn, but wasn't super active until mid-2008. My first event was Feast of Ivory, where Jason/Aeston brought a big group of UConn newbies. In the first couple of years, I went to practice more than I went to events. Tournaments of Creathorne in 2008 is what really got me excited about eventing. 

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
I think there has been a shift towards combat and the martial aspect of the game. There definitely seem to be more tournament events now than when I first started. As someone who prefers tournaments to questing, this has been positive to me. Weapons have also become lighter and faster, which has been great for me, since my first weapon (a PVC 5-foot) was nearly impossible for me to wield with one arm. I am constantly impressed by innovations in weapons technology. 

Overall it doesn't seem like the game itself has changed much, rather my involvement in the game has grown and evolved over the years. Becoming an EH definitely changed my perception of the game and allowed me to see things in a different light than when I was just a player.

Who have you learned the most from?
I have learned a variety of things from so many people in the game, even just from casual conversations about game mechanics or plot ideas. I feel like I've learned a lot just by observing how other people play their characters, and incorporating what I like (or don't like) into the way I play. I learned a great deal about combat from the people I've sparred with at practices, especially Chris Marques/Jaha and other people who have taken the time to work with me. 

But the person I have, without a doubt, learned the most from would be Jason Rosa/Aeston. Not only did he bring me into the game, but he squired me and has taught me so much about being a good player, a good NPC, and a good Event Holder. Jason constantly pushes me to set goals and accomplish them, always seeking to raise the bar for myself and the other members of Rhiassa. His leadership of Rhiassa emphasizes the value of hard work and dedication, and above all, service to the Realms.

What was your best moment IC?
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not much of a role-player, and Kyntela isn't all that different from Alysha. But I would have to say that my best IC moment was Queen of Hearts 2010, when Kyntela was squired to Sir Aeston, and won Champion of Rhiassa the following day. Those events may blur the line between IC/OOC, but I consider them defining moments for my character.

Photo by Angela Earle Gray

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
As an EH, I think my best moment was this past summer throwing the Event Which Must Not Be Named with Lani and Jeremy Grayson. It was my first time throwing a questing event, and planning the whole thing from conception to execution. Seeing all of our hard work come to fruition, and getting good feedback from players enjoying what we created, was extremely rewarding. 

As an NPC, Mike Amend's event "The Legend of Yumenguan" (a.k.a the ninja event) was probably the most fun I've ever had NPCing. Not only was it a blast to play a ninja, I felt that we created a memorable and exciting experience for the players by jumping down from the stands, catching arrows, and just being really high-energy in general. 

As a player, one of the best experiences I've had, and continue to have, is with the Huntress Guild. I like to think that through practices and the discussions that we've had, the Huntress Guild has helped encourage female players to get more involved in combat and be more confident in the game. I was extremely happy with the number of women who turned out for the Tournaments of Artemis event last year, and the effort they put into competing. One of my favorite moments was the crafting day we held at WPI, where not only members of the Huntress Guild came and built weapons and armor, but other members of the community came out to support us. 

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
I would like to see more continuity between events/plots. Because we have so many plots going on at any given time, it becomes easy to suspend your disbelief and not consider how odd it all really is. I do value the way that anyone can be an EH, and get involved in that way if they want to, but I think more continuity would increase the sense of immersion. Going along with that, (and this might sound hypocritical coming from someone who regularly wears black shorts and t-shirts under my tabard as garb), but I would like to see garb/costuming developed more. I am personally going to make an effort to dress my character more appropriately for a medieval/fantasy setting, because I think it really helps contribute to the whole atmosphere of an event. 

I'd also like to see more active marshaling on quests. There can be an attitude that players calling their shots/armor or keeping track of their spells doesn't matter as much on a quest as it does in a tournament setting, but I think that's ultimately harmful to the game. We should all strive to be honorable players (even if our characters are not) no matter what the setting. 

Also, actual boat battles on real pirate ships.

What advice would you give new players?
Don't be afraid to get involved. My biggest regret is not being very active when I first started playing. It took me a while to get over my initial shyness. Don't hesitate to jump right in and get involved in plots, fight in tournaments, or hang out with groups of people. Make yourself known, and make a positive impression on people. It can be hard to shake a negative reputation, especially if you end up being known as someone who doesn't call their shots. Take the time to practice and focus on learning how to call your shots. Winning will come with time and effort. Volunteer to NPC often; not only do EHs appreciate it a ton, it gives you extra opportunity to practice combat. Oh, and go to the Event Goers/Players Meeting! 

What do you love most about the game?
I love the sense of community more than anything. It is rare that you find such a large group of disparate personalities that can all come together for a common cause. You can be the weirdest person on the planet and the Realms at large will accept you for the strange and wonderful person that you are. Sure there are people who groups who don't always get along, but in the end I feel confident that we always have each other's backs. This is evidenced any time a member of the community experiences a personal hardship; the outpouring of support and well-wishes from the Realms is always amazing. I have met some of my closest friends (including my best friend and significant other: Ben Grant/Rohde) because of this game, and it's hard to think of anything better than that. 

As crazy as this might sound, I actually love the proposal system and the Players Meeting/EHC. Maybe not the physical process of sitting in a room for 10 hours arguing about what constitutes a "day," but the fact that so many people are that dedicated to improving the game. The fact that they spend their free time crafting proposals, or take the time to make suggestions and comments on other people's proposals, or even take a whole Saturday to help shape our rule system, really speaks to the level of commitment that exists. 

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
Diana LaPierre (Kiira of Grimloch)

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
Ten points to Gryffindor!