
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fresh Faces- Trevor "Vulpenard" King

How did you learn about Realms?
I went to the involvement fair at UCONN with my girlfriend during my freshman year I was unimpressed by a majority of the clubs that were offered. Though they were very diverse and some were very interesting, I didn't feel as though many of them would lead to any lasting friendships beyond the interactions in the clubs. On our way out, we spotted two people sparring wearing full armor. We spoke to the club president and he invited us to join the SMAC practice that night. We showed up later that night and had a blast!

How many event have you been to?
Between PCing and NPCing, I have participated in at least eighteen events that I can remember; I've gone to a few of the big ones like Black and White, What Lurks Beneath, Feast of Chimeron, Uncle Cecil's Crazy Tavern, Feast of the Leviathan, North South War and  Order of the List Tournaments. Some of my favorites have also been somewhat smaller events like the Huntress Guild Invitational, the Oaken Guard Invitational, and Childrak's Secret Lair.

Have you ever LARP’ed before?  If so tell us about it?
The only time I've done anything close to LARPing before joining SMAC and The Realms was right before I left for UCONN. My girlfriend, a mutual friend and I all bought NERF swords from Toys R Us and spent at least an hour fighting in my girlfriend's back yard. It was one one final moment of fun before we had to start packing to leave.
What is your character like?  Where are they from? What is their race? What is important to them?
 Vulpenard, originally named Mortimer, is a human from the Southern Wastes. He says he was raised by the forest and her children, which is a bold faced lie. He was raised by his family and the village they lived in. His father was the village alchemist, his mother the village midwife. Mortimer desperately wanted a feeling of self satisfaction so he tried to become a great hunter, without the ability to even fire an arrow straight. One one of his less successful hunting trips, Mortimer heard the growl of a bear followed by a loud yelp; down the hill he spotted a bear swatting at a mother fox trying to drag a leg of deer to her den and her awaiting kin. Without thinking, he barreled down the hill and attempted to push away the wall of muscle and fur that was the bear. Needless to say, Mortimer was unsuccessful in slaying the bear, and was nearly slain himself. As he lay in the forest, waiting for one of his father's potions to work, Mortimer decided to change his name, deriving it from the fox, Vulpes vulpes, and decided that he would stand up for what he felt was right even if it meant sacrificing his own goals or even his life.
At coronation of King Cecil-2011

What do you remember most about your first event?
I remember being very confused at my first Black and White, I had no idea what I was supposed to do and where I was supposed to go. I was handed a scavenger hunt sheet and was later told that I shouldn't have done it, but it really helped me learn more about The Realms and about my new friends.

What things have helped to make you feel welcome in game?
Strangely enough, the actions of the players out of the game make me feel more welcome in game. I have helped clean up after events and gotten food with other players and the conversations we have, where we treat each other as equals, despite vast differences in age, interest, nation or fighting skill has made me feel more welcome and enthusiastic in game. I don't feel afraid to approach other characters whose players I have interacted with even if they play characters that are supposed to come across as "rough and tough."

What parts of the game do you find most challenging?
For me, it's the self-criticism and self-doubt. If and when I die, I constantly berate myself on what I did wrong, and often I'm too wrapped up in what I did wrong that I make the same mistakes. I'm terrible with blocking my head and sometimes I'll be so focused on how I didn't block my head in the last fight that I'll forget what's going on and get hit in the head again.

Do you have any game related goals (as either a player or character)?
My overall goal is to eventually run my own event series. I have very loose plans for an event series that will challenge the beliefs and the morals of the players, hopefully resulting in a class or race of players being more accepted by The Realms.

 What advice would you give other new players?
Always go in with an open mind and don't be afraid to try something different. I have seen many players, this year more than others, where players will enjoy the combat but don't even try to get involved with the role playing element of The Realms. Though combat is a large part of the game, by attending events and talking with other players and characters you learn so much and you get to hear of many exciting stories. You don't have to be the best fighter, the best caster, or the best role player, the important part of The Realms is to have fun while making new friends.

What have you enjoyed most about the game so far?
I have to say that I have enjoyed NPCing the most, while it is incredibly fun fighting as Vulpenard, NPCing gives a feeling of self-achievement. When you NPC, you help tell a story and give an experience to the players, you don't have to worry about being the most proficient fighter and it does a great job of teaching you the fun of losing. 

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
I want to give a special thank you to Jason Rosa for encouraging me to get more active in the game and for putting up with my shenanigans though these past three years. He has been very helpful and supportive even when I can't make it to the events that I say I will attend. And most of all, without Jason I would have never heard of SMAC or The Realms and I wouldn't have met any of my amazing friends.