
Friday, November 2, 2012

Realms Pick-Up Lines

Mage Pick-Up Lines
-"I can raise the dead, you should see what I can do to the living."
-"I saw you and immediately drank my love potion."
-"Here, drink this."
-"I hear you have a deep pocket."
-"I just cast find the path and it led straight to you."
-"I get bigger after I cast transformation."
-"I may be a three path, but that's not a dagger."
-"You won't get pregnant, I have circle of protection."
-"Ignore him, no one has more protection than a Protectionist."
-"They don't call it seed of life for nothing."
-"Tired of the other guys who can't keep up? I have regeneration."
-"I put the romance in nec-romancer."
-"Ever had a three-way with an undead soldier?"
-"Please, god, let her go out with me."..."Did you just cast intervention to get me to go out with you?"..."Yes, did it pass?"
-"Don't worry, I have cure disease."
-"I can go all night long, I have power potion."
-"Ok, so that last line was horrible, good thing I have second chance."
-"I have to recharge my armored cloak, wanna help me?"
-"Are you also a spellcaster, because you are an enchanting being."
-"I think we'd be wonderful together, I just cast detect magic."
-"Did you cast enfeeble being on me, because I keep falling for you."
-"I'll bring the 30' of rope."

Fighter Pick-Up Lines
"um...wanna have sex?"