
Friday, December 7, 2012

Happenings on the Emerald Path

A news and announcement section of what Realms players are doing outside of the Realms. If you know of any news feel free to let us know at

Congratulations to Jonathan "Magnus" and Laura "Kitya" Fontaine who were married on 11/24.

Melanie "Lynnora" Kazmercyk has been seeing the world via the workaway program. She spent November 3rd to the 22nd in Wiesbaden, Germany.  She stayed in the apartment of one of the most famous dumpster divers in Germany, doing cooking, cleaning, and ironing in exchange for her board.  She also had plenty of time to go adventure.  This is her second time traveling through this program (last time was to Ireland).

Kym "Sarriette" Bernard is one of the latest Realmsies to launch a craft business. Her handmade baby products can be viewed on her business page, Made by a Dragon, on facebook.