
Friday, January 18, 2013

10 Questions- Jessica "Hope" Osio

Photo by Doug Fisher

How long have you been playing?
I believe I started in the fall... I think in 2000.

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
I'm not sure if it's changed so much or if I have... Well I'm certain I've changed! And that makes the former hard to tell. As a caster I can remember there being 2-circle buy downs and attending several events for one spell... I can remember seed of life and the protection path being added to the game... But I guess the biggest thing is that I remember every event feeling "equal" Many of the "popular names" of events that have 10+ years under their belts where only just starting then. There wasn't really anything as a "small" or "no name" event. They all seemed equally "important." Perhaps that was also just because I was new, but I feel like the "unknown" events fight an
uphill battle for attention in our game if they aren't on an otherwise boring weekend.

Who have you learned the most from?
That's a hard one because I still feel pretty clueless! I guess Ian Pushee taught me the most about the magic system, Ian Struckoff about understanding how to have fun (especially when role playing may "corner" you otherwise) and to understand other people having theirs, and Steve Matulewicz on, well growing up in general. Having started when I was 15 I did a lot of that in this community!

What was your best moment IC?
I wasn't even there for it! Years ago during a QoH bardic, they had to play charades and imitate people in the game so the crowd could guess. Someone drew me and immediately did the most unflattering but hilarious impersonation of my popular nickname "Annoying archer chick" and everyone burst out laughing and got it right away. I heard all about it several times later on and wished I hadn't gone to bed early! But I was exhausted from senshalling that day. I think that was the year I was on Disko Dirk's team. He made shirts for his entire team and It was truly the event when I felt totally, really, a part of the community for the first time. Like people knew me and who I was instead of some newbie.

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
Even though I had small attendance to my event this year having each one of the PCs tell me that they had an amazing time afterwards was amazing. The Pizza party with all the NPCs after was a lot of fun too; despite the fact we didn't throw a big event it still felt like we threw the best event; It made me really happy to have put so much work into EH'ing even though things didn't turn out "big."

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
I'd like to see more variety of events, I feel like tournaments have kinda taken over and people prefer to only play in a few "main" plots or play for a few known EH's. I remember the old Final fantasy and zelda events super fondly, but "silly" stuff doesn't seem popular anymore and I think the community is missing out by sticking to tried and true or popular stuff.

What advice would you give new players?
Rationalize ways to play how you want, not how you should. Role playing and story add a lot of depth and meaning to your character but they should never define your character's moods or situation. I find newer players put the most work and care into their stories, but don't let it hedge you in! even if you have to resort to inconsistencies no one else will mind even if they do notice; try to discover why you like to play, what aspects of the hobby give you fun. and Let the story and role playing just be covers for that.

What do you love most about the game?
Being social! I just like being with the crowd.

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
Mike Doherty, Wrath, AKA Spearkid! [His interview can be seen here].

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
I'll think of something later I'm sure, but I guess for now I just want to thank you for putting time and effort into something that adds more soul to the community, and Thanks for picking me!