
Friday, January 25, 2013


You may have noticed that several of the current WPI students have been or are away in some fairly exotic locales.   Each student at WPI has to do two projects, an IQP (Interactive Qualifying Project) and a MQP (Major Qualifying Project). IQPs are interdisciplinary and based on social science and solving problems in people's lives. Each project counts as three credits and can be done intensively as the only course for a semester or spread out across three terms.  While the projects can be done in Worcester, students can also take the opportunity to travel.

Pat "Saka" Bobell did his IQP in Venice, Italy from October 17, 2012 to December 15, 2012. He was creating a Wiki to make all the other projects WPI students do in Venice accessible to the public.  He also drafted a management/development plan on how other organizations could be integrated.

Angela "Monique" Wood is currently in New Zealand. She left on January 6th and will be back on March 2nd. She is doing her IQP in collaboration with the National Museum of New Zealan, Te Papa Tongarewa. She is exploring ways to measure the depth and meaning of engagement that people have with digital technology such as social media and mobile apps, particularly in relation to museums.  To learn more about her adventures visit her blog.