
Friday, March 1, 2013

10 Questions - Kathy "Makhta" Fey

Kathy "Makhta" Fey 

How long have you been playing?
Oh, my.  24 years.  That sounds like a lot!

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
Considering I was in the first batch of Realms newbies (the Realms was only a few years old when I started) I think the game has undergone *all* its changes since I started.  It’s bigger, players don’t “age out” in their early 20s, it’s more decentralized and yet more regulated, and when it comes down to it we’re still running around in funny outfits whacking each other with sticks, so yay!  I have a filk about some of the specifics if a campfire ever needs it. 
I’m happy that the Realms has existed so long and successfully as a truly community-run LARP.  We may be unique in that.  Another thing that hasn’t changed much is that event fees have stayed, for the most part, very affordable.  I love that about the Realms.

Who have you learned the most from?
In the early days, the Darkvale eventholding crew, like Lance Huntter and Aaron Addison, then later with my “classmates” like Steve Johnson and Steve Matulewicz, and nowadays I look to the young-uns to keep me informed as I’ve stepped back quite a bit (lookin’ at you, Janna and Leanne…and yeah, Matt B, I’ll include you as a young-un too!)

What was your best moment IC?
There was a North-South War that I started out as my own team (representing the West, a result of opening my big confident mouth) and got annexed to the South team.  That afternoon, towards the end of a knock down drag out fight, I was the last person standing on my team, facing several opponents, and though I lost limbs I managed to take out all of them.  My team then rushed forth and lifted me up over their heads shouting “West!  West!  West!”  My moment in the sun – thank you South!

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
As an NPC – playing lots of big time bad ladies, like the Queen of Swords, Queen of Knowledge, Excruciore…cool costumes and it’s fun to be nigh invincible and wicked.  But to be fair, I equally enjoy just being a crunchy all day, and even crunchies come up with some fun moments (like hucking cow boulders at Henry, cutting off the last person in line on a nightquest team, roasting PC parts over a fire, dashing around with a Shadowpack…back when I could dash, heh heh.)
As an EH – I can’t even count the number of awesome and hilarious moments wrought by eventholding with Cheech.  Watching Cloak and Dagger unfold, hearing tales of Slashblight even years after the fact, making Green and Gold contestants do ridiculous stuff, I could go on forever.  Plot + site + walkie talkies + Cheech = awesome.  Thanks, man.
As a player, thanks to McKrye-related plots I got to have lots of angst, which I would never want in real life, but it’s totally fun to role play.  I also enjoyed my 30th birthday present to myself – training for and entering the Queen of Hearts Champions Tourney.  That was a great challenge, and it turned out I wasn’t too old and creaky after all.  ;)

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
I’d like to see all our wonderful weapon-wielders training to float like a butterfly, sting like a butterfly.  It takes skill to pull your boff punches and I think both new and elite fighters should be capable of achieving real finesse, especially with the advances in light weapon making technology.  Look to the folks who fight with speed and dexterity and feather-light hits – I think they’re doing it right.

What advice would you give new players?
Staff some events, help out, NPC, work the kitchen…it’s a great way to get to know people and become a greater part of the community.
Have fun, enjoy your schtick whatever it may be, hang out with the nice people and don’t waste energy on the negative ones (but if you encounter any problems, be sure to tell someone!) – the vast majority of Realmsies are nice people who want to support you and other newcomers.
Ladies – wanna fight?  Good!  Be aggressive, practice, train, go crazy in quests or tournaments and enjoy being your kickass self.  There’s even a thriving Huntress Guild up and running these days to help you out!

What do you love most about the game?
That it’s community-driven.  We get a huge variety of events, and anyone can create and add to the game.  There’s a sense of community all around, and we can all both take ourselves seriously and laugh at our own antics together in our shared hobby/sport/social activity.  That, and we actually have fighting skills.  And head shots.  And eight-foot pikes.

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
I should pick on Cheech… or Sean Veale, Leanne Hoffman, Katie Smith, Rhiannon Chiacchiaro…there are just too many cool people out there to list

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
I am so happy that new “generations” of Realmsies have stepped up and kept the Realms full of dedicated and creative energy!  Since having kids, I’ve gone from NPCing about every weekend to only hitting one event a month, if that, and it gives me great comfort knowing that the Realms is still staffed with fantastic people!  Slay on!