
Friday, April 5, 2013

Happenings on the Emerald Path- SPECIAL EDITION PETS OF THE REALMS

Who said Ben "Rohde" Grant isn't a romantic?  He surprised Alysha "Kyntela" Metcalf  on Valentine's Day with a new addition to their family Rico "Kynchilla"

One of the dogs you might have had a chance to meet at events is Finnick, who lives with Illyana "Illy" Golden and Zach "Dygan" Reynolds. We look forward to getting to meet his new sister Inara this season.
                                                                                         Kayla "Iste" Lovern is the proud mom to the ferrets squirt and Susie
Jarrod "Jarrod" and Betty "Kara" Marshall's menagerie includes Jedi and Decker the horses, Gypsy the Pony, Mickey the dog, cats, ferrets and chickens.

No special pet edition would be complete without mentioning Percival Porkchop Esquine the third. "Percy", and his siblings Asha (a catahoulla mix), Tilly (the chug), and five cats are beloved by their parents Jay "Graham" and Kelly "Twenaria" Bonci.  To keep up with Percy's adventures friend him on facebook.