
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Why I Want to Go- Tourneys of the Throne

Tourneys of the Throne: Gold, Games, and Glory!
April 6, 2013 (Saturday 11pm) - April 6, 2013 (Saturday 6pm)

This event seems to have a little bit of everything. There will be combat tourneys (that will provide Order of the List points), non-combat games/tourneys, a Bardic Circle, representatives and courses from Highbridge University, merchants and a side quest. Sounds like a lot to keep a variety of different players happy. There is sure to be something for every style of player.

This event will be outdoors so be prepared if April weather turns cold. The site is actually very pretty and evocative of a medieval setting. One nice thing about this event is that the money earned (from the low event entry price of $5) is that the profits will be going back into SMAS, the WPI Realms group for weapons and garb.