
Friday, May 3, 2013

The Grimloch Tribune

The Grimloch Tribune
By Callahan “Syruss” Marsden
LEAD STORY: Mineral Mine Cave-In, Dwarves of Grimloch Possibly Wiped Out.
A local mining crew the renowned “Six Dwarves and a Pick-Axe Crew” went missing after leaving to go on a mining survey of new caves near  POTA Mountain.

The changing of the seasons has produced many landslides and depressions in the hilly region where the miners were reported to be going. It is unclear at this time if the dwarves were underground at the time of the mudslides.

Competitor and long time rival of the “Six Dwarves and a Pick Axe Crew” Little Jon had this to say:

“Those arrogant bastards never saw the downside to their greed. Mithril was the foundation of their wealth, so also it was their destruction: they delved too greedily and too deep and now they suffer the consequences.”

Little Jon gave some great insight on how mining works and would like everyone to know that if you have some ore that needs mining please feel free to utilize “Little Jon’s Construction where we produce BIG results!”

Recent events: Dog Done Did Good
 (A silly fact update as told through the eyes of Theddy Quill)

 Recently Grimloch allowed a particular fancypants dog to join the group, now she is working with the other ladies of Grimloch to make sure we are dressed to the 9’s and not looking like we shopped out of dumpsters. That dog of course is Effa.

But her actions don’t just stop with Grimloch she and her fellow members are making a stand on common threads of the Realms.

She recently held a tournament marshalled by the Order of the List members to raise coin and cloth to help clothe  new adventurers as well as the common people of the Realms.

I recently spoke with Sir Syruss the Awesome about how he as member of the OOTL felt the tournaments went and his take on the cause:

Theddy:  “Hey Big Sy, how do you feel the tourneys went?”
Syruss:    “ As per what is becoming the norm for OOTL point Tourneys there was a ton of competition, everyone is pining for an early spot on the "Top Sixteen". The fights were clean, fast, and some were very exciting.”
Theddy: “What is your take on clothing in the Realms and do you feel this is a good cause?”

Syruss: “Clothing I think varies from region to region, some richer countries obviously have the means to clad their countrymen/women for any occasion. Some newer settled countries often have trouble balancing what to spend their coffers on; most times it is invested in making sure their countries' warriors have proper equipment such as armor and weapons.
As for the cause, I think it is as good of cause as any. People need clothing and if this is a means to get it to them then that’s great.”
After meeting with Syruss I had the chance to get a quote from the hostess of the Event and here is what she had to say:

EFFA “Tournaments of Tunics was conceived as an attempt to fundraise a ”cover your shame bin”, and to try and encourage fancier dress within Realms through example and encouragement (with such things as the Garb Swap). It is my hope that hosts of large gatherings (EH’s) start setting dress guidelines for their events and allow them to use the “’cover your shame bin”” to supplement and provide clothing options for those adventurers with none. We as a community are constantly making strides to improve ourselves in combat, marshaling, and adventuring but dress has often fallen by the wayside. It is my hope that with the advent of the ToT, garb swaps, and ”cover your shame bin” that we can. as a community, work together to push for a better looking and more dapper tomorrow.”

Order of the List Activities and Points on the Horizon
Please continue to check Grimloch tribune for up to date articles on when you can score your next points and shoot for that top sixteen spot.
Next chance to score points and thrust yourself into the top spot comes at Blackwood Tournament 3 (7-5-13 at Creathorne Farm Grafton NH)

Not only will this be a great chance to score some serious points but it is also a great time to work with and shadow the Order itself. As you may or may not have known the OoTL has an excellent marshaling program for those who want to advance their abilities to Marshal. Last year they certified their first marshal outside of the Order in Rillan of Grimloch, who spent the majority of the 2012 season working with Rohde, Jaha, Shandar and Tychus trying to hone his marshalling abilities.  Perhaps others will make a similar commitment this coming season.

Also you can ask any members of the Order for one on one training to better strengthen you combat skills
 Dear Rohodey,
An advice column from our one and only super sensitive super soldier the one the only Rohodey.This article allows you the readers a chance to have our on site "Cerebral Assassin" take a crack at what’s making you crack. So submit all questions via raven to Syruss and he will read them to Rohde (cause we all know he can’t read):
Dear Rohodey,
I have never written to you before, but I really need your advice. I have suspected for some time now that my wife has been cheating on me.
The usual signs; knocks on the door but if I answer, the "gentleman caller" makes a run for it. My wife has been going out with ‘the girls’ a lot recently although when I ask their names she always says, just some friends from work, you don’t know them.
I try to stay awake and watch for her when she comes home, but I usually fall asleep.
Anyway, I have never broached the subject with my wife. I think deep down I just did not want to know the truth, but last night she went out again and I decided to finally check on her around midnight, I hid in the garage behind my sword rack so I could get a good view of the whole street when she arrived home from a night out with “the girls.”
When she got out of the carriage she was buttoning up her blouse, which was open, and she was quickly fixing her hair which looked all ruffled up.
It was at that moment, crouching behind my sword collection, that I noticed a hairline crack where the grip meets the fiberglass shaft on my GrimGear made single short.
Is this something I can fix myself or should I take it back to  Grimloch Gear for repairs?
Concerned Fighter

Dear Concerned Fighter,
    First off, GrimGear has great customer service and I am sure they would replace the entire sword for you as long as you never EVER bring up the fact that you were spying on your wife when you found it. I am sure Guilliam had good reason to have your wife out that late. She was probably auditioning for a waitress position at Rohde and Syruss's Hump House or something and that's why her blouse was undone, Guilliam sometimes has weird "casting couch" style auditions when we ask him to cover the bar for us while Syruss and I visit new "business contacts" out in Thistle Grove. But as I said, when you go to Guilliam about getting your sword reforged, don't mention your wife or you might end up with that sword where you didn't want it. After all he won most intimidating two years in a row! (pffft)
Well that's it for this issue I am Theddy Quill alongside Syruss reporting the facts, the whole facts, and nothing but the facts. Stay safe see you next week