
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Why I Want to Go- Convergences 2013

Convergences 2013
June 21, 2013 (Friday 6pm) - June 22, 2013 (Saturday 1am)

For those not in the know, this is the annual night quest event where players NPC one quest and PC the other quest. This makes it so there are enough NPCs for all the quests for the night. This year there are two quests scheduled. Servais' Secret Lair is being run by Ashenmark and is a part of their ongoing plotline. I know some of what they have in mind and it should be a lot of fun. The second quest, Bandit Barron's Last Stand, is being run by Blackwood and features their ongoing plot that has the players working defeat some bandits. Who doesn't like beating up on bandits holed up in a fortress stronghold? 

This site has been used by the Realms in the past but it was so many years ago that for many players this will be a new site for them. Thus we will get all the "coolness" of a new site; new areas to explore and a sense of freshness sometimes lost on sites that we use a lot. The site itself has an excellent Tavern/Hall, plenty of camping and a large area of woods and trails for questing. The annual North/South War is being held on the same site on the next day, so this will make for an excellent start to a weekend of fun!