
Friday, August 23, 2013

Crafting- Team Killian's Trapper Entry

The following provides some detail on the creation of team Killian's trapper entry for Queen of Hearts 2013. We hope it will help inspire others to create new fantastical creatures.

While the finished product has many differences, initial inspiration for the creature was found on youtube called a stilt spirit.

The first thing we did was make stilts using plans found online. Then Zach spent some time practicing walking on them.

The frame for the back piece is made of pool noodle, filled in with camp foam, than covered with spray foam insulation.  After that it was spray painted. The piece is remarkably light and durable.

The mask was a hockey mask, built up with more spray foam insulation, than carved into shape with an electric carving knife, prior to spray painting. Yarn hair and battery powered tea light eyes were added.  It sits on the top of his head facing forward while his face points towards the ground.

The stilts and crutches were covered in camp foam than spray painted.

It started to come together

We added fabric and some additional foam over the crutches and it was set to go (there is a video of the final dress rehearsal in the Realms facebook group)