
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Why I Want to Go- Feast of Folkestone XIV

Feast of Folkestone XIV
August 30, 2013 (Friday 7pm) - August 31, 2013 (Saturday 1am)
Event Type: Feast

[Disclaimer: The author of this article is a member of the staff.]

This gathering has consistently shown itself as an excellent feast, winning Best Feast for many years. You can expect a diverse selection of food, all well prepared and tasty. This year will also see the Blackwood Casino, so come prepared to gamble. In addition, we will have the usual Folkestone Auction (so make sure to bring your Realms currencies) and the start of Table Wars! There is also rumor of a short nightquest opening up after the feast portion is over. This is an excellent event to relax and socialize with your Realms friends and eat some yummy food.With the quest event starting the next day on the same site, this is an excellent start to a full weekend of Realms action!