
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What You Missed- Feast of Folkestone

In addition to a LOT of food, the 14th Fest of Folkestone included fighting in "The Pit" hosted by the Order of the List, Dessert War games, the famous Folkestone Auction (where not 1, not 2, but 3 magic items were sold as well as armor and numerous other items and certificates), and an extensive court.

Items in Court included Sir Mestoph being named as the Warmarke of Folkestone, Kaelkatar being graduated as an apprentice to the Order of the Magi, Neil Cooke and Sir Magnus being made Journeymen in the Order of the Spoon, Jace being inducted as a member of Eagle's Rook, and Syruss, Quayloth, and Naj founding the Order of the Pontentium.

Photo by Dustin Mack

Photo by Beth Tozier

Photo by Jesse Gifford

Photo by Jesse Gifford