
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Why I Want to Go - Opening Night

Opening Night
December 1, 2013 (Sunday 12pm) - December 1, 2013 (Sunday 6pm)
Event Type: Questing

I'll be honest and say I have no idea what this event is. It is being billed as a day of music, song and opera, but there a bunch of interesting combat calls. I suspect this event will have more that meets the eye. I suspect we will be provided with some excellent entertainment that will quickly evolve into a quest. I could be wrong, but either way, this staff has thrown some interesting and intriguing events in the past so I expect this event to be fun and engaging.
There is a player cap for the event so make sure to check the event write-up for the current player count or get in touch with the eventholders. Of course, you could always volunteer to npc.