
Friday, January 24, 2014

10 Questions - Casey "Karmha" Lemay

Casey "Karmha" Lemay

How long have you been playing?
Photo by Jesse Gifford
8 years. My first event was the ToC where the plot was aliens vs predators it took a couple years for me to become a regular at events.  

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
Everything has changed pretty much from spells, weapon construction, fighting, and people.  When I started playing it you learned spells once an event IF you used a dagger and it was a two cost buy down system.  Weapons used to be pvc and I would make awesome looking curved swords.  Then it all switched to fiberglass and bamboo and the weight of the weapon started being super important.  Fighting has become faster and much more of a bigger part of the game.  And we now have all these different practices and all these new faces coming out of the colleges every year this game is constantly growing. 

Who have you learned the most from?
Everyone I've talked in pretty much has taught me something in this game.  Though a few stand out.  Don Ottman taught me a lot about the spells and how they work and to use them to their full strength.  The Guild of the Iron Lotus braught me on my first night uest and showed me how to scout the area and interact with the NPC's.  Ray McGuirk told me stories of the old days and the full potential this games has.  He also showed me how to be social and just talk to everyone I meet.  Alysha(kyntela) has helped me alot with fighting with the huntress practices in the past years.  Many event holders have helped me pursue my own goals of being an event holder by offering nothing but support.        

What was your best moment IC?
Well two stick out the most for me.  First it has to be the time I won Heraldry for team Keela at Queen of Hearts.  It was the first noncom tourney I entered and it felt good to go home with first place.  Second has to be when Karmha got courted by the Shadow King.  I have been having a blast with this plot and it's nice to be fully involved in it.  And Dave Dolph is defiantly one of the event holders I look up to the most it's great interacting with him as the Shadow King.

Photo by Lina Weldell

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
As a new EH I held me first 3 day event this past May.  I know there were slips ups here and there, it's a learning process. But I would have to say seeing all the PC's as well and NPC's having fun at my event very rewarding.  I let my friends Cal and Andy hold their New Eden Casino for the first time ever, which they seem to have fun with.  And it gave me motivation to only make better events to come.  As a player I would have to say it is kinda neat looking around at the all the different tabards and knowing i made most of them. :)  Keep the orders coming Karmha Creations is happy to supply the realms with tabards and banners as well as other things.  

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
I would like to see more new event holders with plots.  We all got ideas and have seen what people have fun with put them both into and event and run it.  Cross over between plots would be awesome.  And more interaction with NPC's verse just killing and looting them all the time.

What advice would you give new players?
Talk to everyone! There is so many different things in the game one person can do.  I always tell newbies there's something for everyone in this game.  Whether you like fighting, casting or just crafting.  And always do whats most fun for your because that's why you are here playing this GAME.

What do you love most about the game?
The community within it is the greatest thing.  For the most part everyone is in it to help each other.  And it's just a variety of so many different people it's amazing.

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?