
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

On the Order- Order of the Potentium

What year was your Knighthood formed? 
Photo by Jesse Gifford
Feast of Folkestone 2013

What does your knighthood stand for? 
The advancement of combat in the realms. The advancement of fighter/caster questing synergy. The advancement of combat effective casters.

Our knighthood is a knighthood dedicated to making more combatants in the Realms by cross training caster in all forms of fighting so that they may compete at any tournament that allows breaking of restrictions but also to be able to compete effectively at tournaments that do not allow such luxury.

We stress our focus on combat magic or specifically magic that affects combat. Some of our focus is on but not limited to thrown missile training (Magic Missile, Lightening Bolt), calls that negate weapon blows, calls that directly affect combat (Armor Piercing Poison), and we of course train with those with non traditional combat casting builds to be more effective with their restricted combos.

What are your tenets?
Photo by Andy Disbrow
* Live to serve the people of the Realms* Live to keep pushing arcane and martial talent further.
* Live for knowledge. * Always scout for new potential in the lands and help them develop their craft.* Always respect those who have paved the way before you.
* Never forget your mistakes and always try to learn from them.
* Always respect new adventures because we all were once new.
* Always try your best even if the task seems impossible.

Photo by Jesse Gifford
The Values of the Potentium
* Courage A knight must have the courage of heart necessary to undertake tasks which are difficult, tedious, or less than glamorous as well as graciously accept the sacrifices involved.
* Sacrifice A knight must know that the task we embark on is an uphill struggle and we will learn through our mistakes. We may not invent the lighting bolt the first time around but rather find one hundred ways not to do it. Sometimes our mistakes will turn into revelations.* Patience We are here because of years of hard work and training, we cannot expect those who follow to become Masters right away. We all crawled before we walked and walked a long time before we began to run. Those who follow us will falter and most likely we will falter as teachers, but it is our patience and willingness to teach and learn along the way that will usher in a new generation of Masters.
* Faith Above all else Members need to have faith. We need to have faith that what we are doing will make an impact, we need to have faith that we can make a difference and we need to have faith in our own abilities and the ability to pass that knowledge on to others

What is your symbol? 

Did you have a traditional Knightly power, if so what was it? 

Photo by Jesse Gifford


What do you look for when selecting squires? 
We look for people who wish to better the fighting ability, casting ability, marshaling ability and the ability to train others. We look for fighter who love magic and casters who love fighting then we meld the two mindsets.

What is your squiring process like? 
Different from Knight to knight

Who is your current Knight Commander? 
We do not have a Knight Commander instead we have a council of knights. 

Who are your currently active Knights? 
Sir Qualoyth Sir Naj Sir Slade and Sir Nymbous and Sir Syruss

Do you have any interesting stories from your Knighthoods past? 
We are still forging the stories of our future.

Anything else? 
While we do like to have a great deal of fun with our Knighthood our methods for teaching and our appreciation for nurturing and growing young talent to positive influential members of our community is taken with the utmost seriousness.