
Friday, March 7, 2014

Fresh Faces- Ed "Tulli" Drummond

How did you learn about Realms?
I am friends with Effa/Katie from the lands beyond.  She offered me an opportunity to hit people and *not*

get arrested, so I jumped at the opportunity.  I attended a practice at UConn SMAC back at the end of 2012 and have been hooked since.
How many events have you been to?
So far I have been to somewhere around 10 events, including Tourneys of Chaos, Order of the List, and KoEF Tourneys.  I’ve quested at Silver Eye, Festival of Val Dara and one of the Book of Moons plots.  All have had some great parts and I have met some great people.
Have you ever LARP’ed before?  If so tell us about it?
I had sparred with boffers before, ranging from good ol' PVC and 3/8" foam to bokkens wrapped in the same.  Other than that it was mostly tabletop sessions which erupted into fisticuffs.
What is your character like?  Where are they from? What is their race? What is important to them?

Tuilli wasn’t my original name, my first event I was something else, but then was informed that there were too many folk by that name about (namely one or two who owed money), so I didn’t want to have any confusion. Tuilli roughly translates into the name “The Bastard”, which I’ve have officially earned at Val Dara (specifically Overzealous Bastard) because I was handed a list of tasks for the Rogues Tourney and started right away.  How was I supposed to know that the event was not supposed to start until 3 hours after the Marshal handed me the list…   It also may have been because I negotiated most of the tokens off the Marshals.  (IC)  My son and I are from a place we called the Northlands which geographically seem to match up very similar to the lands of Grimloch, yet are different in many ways.  My son Kyram and I were hunting in the forest, stepped into a dark shadow and found ourselves deep in the swamps of Grimloch, only to be found by Jayne Wrath of Grimloch on patrol.  After confirming we were not dead, undead or necromancers (his methods were odd, they consisted of him poking me with a sharp stick for about an hour), he took us to a nearby village and sent us on our way. Originally Tuilli was interested in getting home, but found the politics (and some of the people) of this land to be more…  interesting.
What do you remember most about your first event?
My first piece of real garb from the noob-garb bins.  It was sadly lost at my next event as it was a relatively thin material-ed shirt, and someone saved me from a misstep into Bedlam by grabbing the back of my shirt.  I had great ventilation for the rest of the event as it split up the back with three shred holes.
What things have helped to make you feel welcome in game?
The help and training from many of my fellow Realmsies, especially many of the members of Grimloch that have helped me out with frequent constructive beatings.
What parts of the game do you find most challenging?
Figuring out the limits of where my limbs end are on the fly.  Its just a matter of practice I know, but figuring out things in combat of whether a shot was hand, arm or wrist is a wee bit difficult.  I've found that tourneys have helped substantially.  Aside from that, working with a lightest touch system when I am used to heavy weapons which handle like baseball bats.
Do you have any game related goals (as either a player or character)?
Order of the List.  I want to be on that top 16.  Aside from that become the most amusing, singing fighting, flirtatious Bastard I can be.
What advice would you give other new players?
Practice.  Practices, practice; practices. At practices, practice.  Also practice. (I've used the word practice so many times in this section that I have achieved semantic satiation (  Practice.
What have you enjoyed most about the game so far?
The varied people, food and fighting styles.  I’m a fan of hitting people with things, and in Realms I occasionally get the chance.
Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.
Veni, Vedi, Desuis noncontentus.