
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Realmscraft:Chimeron by Gary "Dagger" Heinstrom

Blog Spot Highlight (Chimeron)
When Mad Tom was defeated Bedlam retreated from the Realms taking everything it had covered with it.  This means Lady Dee´s Ye Bar and Wench Tavern and, on the second floor, Lady Cassia´s Keep of the Scarlet Torch:  Gone.  Heron´s rebuilt marble Castle of Chimeron:  Gone.  The city of Chimeron Proper, the walls, the buildings, the roads and villages:  All gone. 

Figure 1:  Ye Bar and Wench

Figure 2:  View of the Walls of Chimeron Proper from the Balcony of the Keep of the Scarlet Torch

Realmscraft Project
“For over 20 years [Around 30], players in the Realms have met on weekends and played characters in a fictional world.  We have maps, and imagine that we come from lands with castles, roads, bridges, towns, and everything else that might fit a medieval fantasy theme.  Until now, those lands have lived in our stories, songs, poems, and fertile imaginations.  This project is an attempt to change that.  ‘Realmscraft’ could never replace LARPing, but with the right approach it can be a tool to make our shared roleplaying experience deeper and more fulfilling than ever before.”

In service to the Realms,

- Stephen Johnson, KoR, KoEF


Author’s Notes
Recent additions to server include Shalindar Keep (Blackwood) and the remaining unfinished towns of Eagle´s Rook.  I am currently beginning further projects within Blackwood.  Clontarf´s Hammerstone and the castle town east of it are underway.  I have also marked off the province of Najena and the Bacon Mine!  The Realmscraft server currently sits comfortably at Minecraft version 1.6.2 which includes the mythical long awaited horses… The current status of the server can be found at

Brief History
Disclaimer:  The majority information herein was found in the old Library of Chimeron and may not be completely accurate.  For deviations of what is here written, contact the living members of Chimeron. 

The early 990´s saw the rise of a prominent centrally located nation.  In 991 at the Siege of Rrathchllwyn (3) Princes Meg gave up her title as Princess of Valehaven.  Meg was then crowned Queen Meg of Chimeron by her people namely Lady Anne and Sir Taurdhel.  Chimeron was declared a Kingdom.  In 996 at the 4th Annual Feast of Chimeron Rhiassa swears fealty to Queen Meg and later at KoEF II Clan McKrye is formed.  Later that year at the second Black and White Masquerade, the mages and healers present had a dream that the lands of Chimeron would fall at the hands of fairies:  The Chimeron Militia is formed.  In 999 at the 5th Annual Feast of Rhiassa, Queen Meg grants Nathaniel of Rhiassa a plot of land within Chimeron and the title Lord.  Dan´Glecko is formed. 

In 1002, at Feast of Chimeron 10, Queen Meg begins to stay under The Hill and Heron stays at The Hill to guard Meg.  Sir Pyr is made “of the blood” and succeeds Queen Meg as the new King of Chimeron.  1004 at Queen of Hearts 11 a Waylin bomb is released upon the Realms which hits Bouquet, an Instectafea, and with it she is sent to Bedlam.  In 1006 at the Chimeron court of the 9th Feast of Chimeron the Azure Guard is formed.  Later that year at the Rites of War Magus Heron is transformed into the living embodiment of The Hill and The Hill is moved to the Realms underneath Chimeron Castle. 

A year later, 1007, at Feast of Chimeron 15 Pawldo, Cecil, and Sir Vawn are inducted into the Royal House of Chimeron.  1010 King Pyr dies at the Black and White Ball and becomes King of the Mountain.  April 9, 1011 Cecil is crowned the King of Chimeron.  Only two years after King Cecil´s coronation the lands of Chimeron were covered in a darkness known as Bedlem.  When finally the combined might of the Realms defeated Mad Tom, Bedlem disappeared from the Realms taking all it had covered with it:  Ye Bar and Wench Tavern and the Keep of the Scarlet Torch, Heron´s rebuilt Castle of Chimeron, the entire city of Chimeron Proper, and all the tributary roads, towns, villages, and farmsteads for miles and miles. 

Today Chimeron survives but must now rebuild its once great infrastructure. 

Welcome To:  The Memory Of:  Chimeron Proper

Figure 2:  Heron´s Castle Chimeron

Figure 3:  Heron´s Castle Chimeron

Figure 4:  Castle Chimeron at Night

Figure 5:  Chimeron Proper

Figure 6:  Chimeron Proper  

Play Realmscraft
The Realmscraft project is not just for mass builders who seek to construct nations.  It is also for those who would like to enjoy a little tastes of what the Realms has to offer in a new light.  Quests, dungeons, Roleplaying, and all sorts of other activities are created, and made available, for those who would just like to enjoy another Realms related outlet. 

Here are some links that may be of assistance in getting you in to our rendition of the Realms World. - Is the current Realmscraft help page.  The site includes:
·         The current status and version of the Server
· - Email for Whitelisting
·         Current Server IP address:
·         Current dynamic mao:
·         Links to some of the available texture packs
·         A link to Dagger’s Realmscraft help page which is also seen bellow — this is the home of the Library of CrestGrath (currently under construction yet fully operational).  There is a useful help page here that I keep updated to help anyone interested in playing. - Realmscraft Project Help and Information Page.  Includes: 
·         Maintenance and help information
·         Helpful links for useful resources
·         Contact info
·          A Grid Map page for building nations or structures almost exactly where they sit on the Realmsmap.  Note:  The gridmap is outdated so one will need both the gridmap and the current Realmsmap to insure proper land and structure placement. - Texture Pack Page (Now Resource Pack Page).  This includes a DropBox link to many useful texture packs to help enhance your Realmscraft experience.  The most up to date pack on this page is title Realms7 and can be found at the bottom of the texture pack page. - Minecraft website – Stephen Johnson (Sir Duncan Conrad of Rhiassa) use to host the Realmscraft server.  The Rhiassa website still holds interesting and possibly usefull Realmscraft information. - Old Joining the Server Page. 

Join the Realmscraft Project
Do you have a nation that needs building?  Email us, and we will insure that you get the tools, knowledge, and help you need to complete the job.
· - Op and Arkendrose.Webnode Site owner
· - Server Owner
· - Ex Server Owner and Project Pioneer