
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Artist Profile- Angela Yang

What mediums do you work in? I’ve dabbled in many different mediums from black and white photography to oil painting to digital art. But I prefer working in color pencil, chalk pastel and acrylic. Have you had any formal art training? Yes I have! I’ve taken art classes both in the United States and China since I was 3 years old in a variety of media. In High school I went on to attend the New Haven Educational Center for the Arts, a secondary arts magnet school. I have also completed the AP Studio Art portfolio in my senior year of high school. Where do you find inspiration? My works are highly based in surrealism. I enjoy showing my audience a different view of the world, one that they might not be able to immediately recognize on their own. I believe art takes a central role in altering the perspective of it’s viewer. Just like the court jester, an artist has the unique ability to “mock” the world without fear of repercussion. Has your art been influenced by Realms? If so, how? Through many of my incredibly talented friends, I’m slowly learning how to work with chain mail to create jewelry. I was also interested in tabard design and garb in general. Currently I’m working on pencil sketches of Realms nations symbols using a more realistic style.
Where do you share your work? I occasionally snap a picture of my work in progress to post onto Facebook. However the majority of my art is on the walls of my house, much of it is undocumented. I recently started a Tumblr blog with some of my art. What project/projects that you've created have you been particularly proud of? My AP Art Concentration, AP Studio Art required a 12 piece concentration on one topic of the artist’s choice. I chose to express the idea of nature rebelling against humankind after years of human oppression. What projects do you hope to complete in the future? I’ve always wanted to work in larger media. As a studio artist I’ve always admired the liberating aspect of street art. I hope to work in larger media to make art that is physically larger than life so that it can better relay the messages that I wish to express. What other Realms artists work do you enjoy? I went to art school with Nataliya Kostenko and I’ve always admired her works. We took our senior drawing class together and I loved the unique perspective she brought to her work. I also love Carol Eddy’s work in portraiture, it’s simply gorgeous.

A Note From The View Staff-  

I asked Angela to be a part of the Artist Profile series, after only seeing a few of her sketches via Facebook, primarily because I thought it would be a nice way to introduce a newer player and her interest to the community.  

I didn't fully understand the AMAZINGNESS of her work. I don't think many others in game were aware either.   

I'm VERY excited about this series as a whole (and there is still more to come!!). In over 6 years of working on the View, both print and online, there is nothing I've felt more privileged to have an opportunity to share, than these profiles, that have left me personally in awe of the depth and breadth of talent in our community. .  

I hope you are enjoying it as well. ~ Angela Gray