
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Artist Profile- Zach "Rubis" Senchuk

What mediums do you work in?

I dabble in a little of everything: Sculpture, Drawing, Painting, Digital Mediums, Print Making, Photography.
Have you had any formal art training?
I was extremely involved in my high schools excellent art program including Honors levels 1-4 and an independent study dedicated to producing art. I have also completed a year of college majoring in Fine Visual Arts.
Where do you find inspiration? 
The things I've developed best working towards becoming an artist is my ability to draw inspiration from pretty much everything I see. I see a lot of beauty in the world and it makes me eager to create.
Has your art been influenced by Realms? If so, how?
I have taken a little inspiration from Realms, mostly in a small photography series I have going on.
Where do you share your work?
Some of my work can be found on other than that I keep most of my work private.
What project/projects that you've created have you been particularly proud of?
In high school I was part of a very small group of artists who were commissioned to do various large installation murals around town and in the school. I wish I had pictures, the experience was amazing.
What projects do you hope to complete in the future?
I would love to get back into my Orange Cart Series and push that further, I have worked on it for 3 years now and It has seen many transformations, I think it can stand to see a few more. I'm currently working on a triptych for a toddlers room revolving around the orange carts and a color scheme provided by the customer.
What other Realms artists work do you enjoy?
I have a huge appreciation for the photographers that capture the fun we have playing the game.