
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Artist Profile- Keith "Tark" Tatarczuk

What mediums do you work in? 
I work in a lot of mediums to be honest. I went to school for digital art, specifically 3d, but my heart belongs to dry media graphite and charcoal. In the effort to delve into color I started messing with paints but found I am far too impatient to wait for paint to dry. I’ve found a bit of a love for water colors and the unique style that comes with it. 

Have you had any formal art training?
I was enrolled in plenty of crafty classes as a kid and took as much art as I could fit in highschool. When I got to college I trained in digital art, mostly lower resolution 3d environments for video games. Most my 2d work is just me trying to do better than last time. 

Where do you find inspiration? 
Music, the right song holds some truly amazing inspirational qualities. Not to sound ridiculous but a good new song can take me away to interesting places in my mind, where my true inspiration awaits me. Basically I get lost in my head.

Has your art been influenced by Realms? If so, how? 
From time to time. Most my art in high school was fantasy based. Since I have drifted more to realism and sometimes some more abstract work. 

Where do you share your work?
I haven’t shared much of my work. I’m a terrible artist in that sense. When I get the opportunity I am always happy to have my work shown but I’m awful at selling myself. As of so far I’ve never had my work shown in a gallery. This winter I was given the chance to do an installation art piece at Magic Hat. My first time using spray paint, loved it.

What project/projects that you've created have you been particularly proud of?
Still working on that. So far I’m proudest of two pieces that I did in charcoal. Originally done as nothing more than a sketch exercise they’ve turned into some of my most appreciated work. I don’t love the subject, they are kinda gross.

What projects do you hope to complete in the future?
So many. I have far more ideas and plans than completed projects. The most important being a snowboard design I want to complete and I would love to design a craft beer label. We dream.

What other Realms artists work do you enjoy?
I’m really sorry to say that I don’t know of any other artists in the realms. Perhaps vague whispers of some identities but not much else.