
Monday, September 1, 2014

A Week of Tribute

The summer of 2009 marked my eleventh year in game. While I’d contributed a significant amount in the years prior, I felt I still had the capacity to learn and grow more (don’t we all always?) and that it would benefit me to once again be a squire to someone who could help encourage and guide me. I selected Dave Dolph/Callin as the person I most wanted to work with and approached him on this, giving him the added pressure of understanding that if he said no, I didn't have an alternative person in mind for the job. 
After consideration he told me three things.
1. He didn’t believe in pomp and ceremony and I shouldn’t expect any sort of announcement/symbol/etc. 2. He had no belt that would be appropriate for him to bestow upon me, so while he would be willing to mentor me, he wouldn’t be able to knight me. 3. That he wasn’t that active anymore and I shouldn’t expect him to be around to work directly with me much.

The reality didn’t completely match. 1. While he never publicly squired me, he did very publicly kick me out of being his squire. 2. While he did not individually Knight me into an order, he was the person who knighted me into the KoEF immediately after the above. 3. Promptly after squiring me he not only became extremely active, he also took over the View, and you’ve all seen what that has meant for me.
While I ceased to officially be Callin’s squire in May of 2012, I’ll always consider him to be a mentor, friend, and my Knight. He says he won’t be that active anymore. I cannot help but selfishly wish that he will once again surprise me and actually become even more active.

In truth, he has earned a break, his roughly 30 years of service to the Realms/LARPing community are amazing and the legacy left behind in the way he has influenced so many of us it extensive. There are stories about Callin that predate the birth of many of our players. In his honor, we at the View From Valehaven will be running a special series of stories, reflections, and photos related to Dave Dolph/Callin. We thank him for his many contributions in the game, one of which was launching the online version of the View.
