
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Artist Profile- Maryanne "Shalindra" English Betie

What mediums do you work in? 
I tend to work in watercolors the most, but even then it's mostly a hodge-podge of watercolor paint, watercolor pencils, India ink, white gouache, and anything sparkly: glitter, Swarovski crystals... I work in a variety of sizes, from 11"x14" all the way down to 2.5"x3.5" for ACEOs.
Have you had any formal art training? 
Yes. I graduated with a BA in Fine Arts, with a concentration in Education. I've also got a wee bit of Graphic Design work done (through a certification program).
Where do you find inspiration? 
Music, nature, other artists. Random, weird thoughts during the day, like "Hey, my zombie girl ought to be our holiday card this year!"
Has your art been influenced by Realms? If so, how? 
When I was a lot more active, I did a lot of art pieces related to my old drow plot. I hope to get more Realms related work done as we get more active in the community.
Where do you share your work? 
What project/projects that you've created have you been particularly proud of? 
I don't do a lot of projects per se; since having kids my art isn't as prolific as it used to be! I really loved vending at some of the local Ren faires, and I hope to get back to doing that again in the future. One recent project that I have been working on are my Little Monsters, aimed at small children. It's the monsters of myth as toddlers with toys and treats.
What projects do you hope to complete in the future? 
I'd love to do a coloring book aimed at all ages, along with a children's book of Monsters Under the Bed. The MUtB are actually really cute, until some unsuspecting kid peeps under the bed and scares them into screaming for their own mommy! Helped one of my kids through that phase and I thought it might help other kids.
What other Realms artists work do you enjoy? 

Got to get back in the swing, see who's making the arts now. Ask me again in a few months. ;)