
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What You Missed- Feast of Blackwood

By guest writer Katie "Effa" Giasson.

Questing (Friday-Sat)
Another Feast of Blackwood gone by and yet another chance for Realmsies to be wowed by the amazing costuming that their event staff is famous for! Tut-Tut the Turtle Spirit, and the demon summoned in the final fight of the evening were especially impressive works of costuming prowess.
The heroes of the Realms ventured into the lands of Blackwood and worked to depose a crazed Necromancer with the aid of Fire, Earth, Water, and Spirit. Fighting elementals and undead alike, the heroes underwent trials in the holy land to test their mettle, culminating in a great ritual that allowed the adventurers to battle their foe.
This humble author has yet to go hungry at a Feast of Blackwood, for not only do they serve us many delicious foods come Sunday, they host a Hunt it, Kill it, Eat it Saturday as well. Though this year's Hunt was interrupted by bees, the event staff graciously provided us with a lovely spread of burgers, hot dogs, and butter & herb macaroni, and after the night quest's conclusion, chili. Feasting (Sunday)
The Feast was, as ever, super tasty. Courses began with a salad bar, followed shortly after with buffet style soups and breads (this author found the hungarian mushroom soup to be particularly good). Dishes were then served, family style, to tables, where we were presented with a plethora of artisanal pizzas. The main course was whole roast chicken and shepherd's pie accompanied by stuffing, twice baked potatoes, and cheesy vegetables. We were blessed by the appearance of an assortment of pies for desert. 
Apart from the delicious food, which has become a hallmark of this event, the Clontarf Casino and Teleri's Shop were open for business.

For those disinclined to gamble, socialize, or snack away at the feast hall there Tournaments of the Void and combat training in The Pit being run at the Tourney Field. One of the things this author loves most about the feasting portion of this event is that those on the tourney field are never neglected- the event staff always makes sure to bring out whatever is being served inside to the fighters and spectators at the tourneys. After the feast concluded, Blackwood Court was held. The occurrences of note are as follows: Sir Sean O'Quinlann brought Karma Celestine of Neden up on charges of disparaging Vallic of Creathorne. Those charges were dismissed. Valic brought Karmha up on charges of theft, and she was ordered to give in return something of equal value to the necklace she had taken. Sir K brought Valic up on charges of conspiring with the Shadowking. Vallic was publicly executed for his crimes and ordered to do a year of service for Meds. Sir Sean also brought up He brought Meds of the Independent Isles up on charges of Mass Murder while Lycanthropic. Sir K stated that Meds is not his responsibility and said any nation could deal with him as they choose to.
Sir Tao took up the mantle of follower to begin the search for the next High Priestess of Edaonae. Prince Sir K was crowned King of Blackwood. His subjects, lead by his Knights and Lords, all worked in concert to crown him their king. Knight Commander Tao of Blackwood officiated the proceedings and the Lords, Ladies, Knights, and his now-peer, King Alexander Cecil, offered him congratulatory gifts and advice. We at the View wish him a long and prosperous reign. Court was then followed by the Golden Ticket Auction, which backs the gold CotR, and the Blackwood Auction. Shields, swords, daggers, and a suit of neoprene-and-chain all found themselves on the auction block, as well as shield making supplies, candied bacon, baskets of jams and jellies, and a fair few other bits and bobs. All in all, it was a wonderful event, and this author looks forward to attending it again next year.