
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What You Missed- Feast of Folkestone XI

Here's What You Missed - Feast of Folkestone – Jennifer DeNaris Rosa

The subtitle for the feast this year was "Mangia!"and it really lived up to the name. Jason Gray was at it again with his interesting and creative variety of courses. Upon arriving at the hall, you were greeted with a selection of appetizers set out on the front table, including caprese skewers (tomato, mozzarella, and basil drizzled with balsamic vinaigrette) and spanikopita (spinach and cheese wrapped in puff pastry), both of which were delicious. There were also stuffed mushrooms. After the appetizers came an antipasti course, which consisted of a plate of various meats and cheeses as well as olives.

The front of the hall was also decorated for a wedding, with tulle and flowers. Indeed, the man of the night, Jonas Cooke, showed up after the antipasti course, with the nuptials beginning shortly thereafter. Although several gifts were given by various players to the happy couple, Jonas also had a few gifts of his own to bestow - mainly, blank wooden plaques with various names emblazoned at the top - ostensibly to begin his collection of heads. In typical Realms fashion, there was bloodshed at this wedding as well, with the bride being killed and scalped by the groom himself, who claimed that he had received information from a source that his intended was actually intending to betray him. So he beat her to the punch, so to speak - though there was no punch actually served.

Following the subsequent restoration of the bride to the living, and with her new husband nowhere to be found, the feast moved on to the Primo, or first "official" course, where hungry players got to chose between two options: linguine with homemade alfredo sauce, or gnocchi with red sauce. Jason Gray made and hand-cut 2000 gnocchi, truly a labor of love. The gnocchi were amazing - tender, fluffy pillows of pasta perfectly complemented by the sauce, and one of the best things I put in my mouth all night (and I put a lot in my mouth that night).

After that came the second "official" course, or secondi, where players were again given a choice of ordering either oven-baked cube stake parmesan, or grilled chicken with a sun-dried tomato cream sauce, both of which were delicious - each accompanied by a side of green beans sauteed in garlic, and oven-roasted rosemary potatoes.

While guests were digesting the bounty of Folkestone's kitchen, the event moved on to Folkestone Court, and of course, the annual and much-anticipated auction. Here's what you missed at Folkestone Court:

• Knights of Blackwood
o Aeris [Nicole LaRoche] was formally announced as squire to Sir Mathias (Matt Butler)

• Order of the Magi:
o Magus Dame Phoenix (Angie Gray) formally announced Enlon [Joshua Whelan] as her apprentice

• Knights of the Eternal Flame:
o Sir Radstar (Ray McGuirk) presented a fireball (KoEF belt favor) to Kyle Yazinka (Killian)
o Sir Callin (Dave Dolph) presented a fireball to Steve Yazinka (Kaelkatar)

• Knights of the Potentium
o Fro [Anthony Quintana] was formally announced as squire to Sir Quayloth [Eddie Reed]

• Knights of Chaos
o Hayden [Brendan Lam] was formally announced as squire to Sir Cinnabar [Kevin Betie]
o Zatarra [Jon Landerfin] was formally announced as squire to Sir Rillan (Joe Sims)
o Rubis (Zack Senchuk) was released from service as Dame Phoenix's squire following a mutual agreement between both knight and squire that Chaos was not the right belt for him. He had been squired to Phoenix for 5 years. She then presented him with a KoEF fireball.

• Church of Harlequin
o Lako (Josh Fitzgerald) announced the he would be stepping down as High Priest in one year’s time, at which point a new High Priest would be announced
o Anyone interested in becoming a Death Jester should speak to Rawlin (Nick Contrino) or Sir Nos (Jamie Bancroft)

• Knights of the Realms
o Phoenix was inducted into the order and named a Knight of the Realms, and was also given Callin’s sword, one of the only remaining original swords of the Order

• Folkestone Business
o Lord Malaki (Jason Gray) announced that Callin was officially retiring from throwing Folkestone plot. He also presented Dave with a golden calculator watch

After the conclusion of the auction, dessert was served! This consisted of the classic Folkestone concoction, a trifle-type dessert called the Kahlua Blast, as well as other "Mangia"- themed desserts such as pizelles, zeppoles, and lemon-glazed cookies. A few specially-prepared desserts were also served to different groups in attendance.

Closing thoughts: this Feast never disappoints. The food is always plentiful and tasteful, and there's always something new to try every year. I really liked this year's Italian themed concept. There is also a good amount to do besides eat: the Blackwood casino was set up, there were bards performing to add to the ambiance (including a few choice verses pertaining to Jonas Cooke), and a Training Pit being run outside the tavern by the Order of the List. This is always a great event at which to hang out and socialize with friends across all nations, and a nice way both to unwind after a long work week and to relax in preparation for a full weekend of questing. Jason Gray has feast-running down to a science by now, and he and his staff do an excellent job at turning out quality food. I was helping in the kitchen this year and I can say without a doubt - the event staff works hard to give you a great experience! This is an event that I try to hit each year, and Folkestone always does a nice job.