
Friday, October 3, 2014

10 Questions- Nicholas J "Rawlin" Contrino

Photo by Angela Gray
How long have you been playing?

 On a cool brisk evening in 2001, a starry eyed freshman happened upon the quad at WPI. It was love at first sight.

I continued playing throughout my college career, then took a moderate hiatus after the Neden War. I started playing again about at year ago, at the time of this writing.

How has the game changed since you've been playing?

The game, as we know it, is really the community of people that run and attend the events. They are the heart of the Realms. When I came back I was surprised at how many faces I recognized. The game has changed in the ways we’ve changed. We kind of grew up a bunch. The game feels more mature, or maybe I’m just more mature… doubtful. Still there is a more inclusive and supportive attitude I feel, definitely less griefing, for sure. Some people even started pairing up and having babies… gross.

The rules have expanded, and the weapons and armor upgraded. The economy is more
balanced and gold is quite useful now a days. This seems to be due to the increase in talented crafters with amazing in game prices. The result has lead to players being better garbed and equipped. Personally this is my favorite improvement to the game, I love it so much. Combat has sped up, that is for certain, as the young have adapted and improved on the old techniques. I hear oldbies complain about this sometimes, I say deal with it or go three path.

That ol’ nostalgia is still present though, and there are parts of the game that will always be the same. Good people sharing good times, trying to entertain and delight. This is the essence of the Realms, and it is still strong.
Photo by Rob Luger

Who have you learned the most from?

In my early career, I would say Aaron Metzger who played Rel. He was the president of SMAS at WPI when I first started, an all around great guy. I learned about roleplaying and the basics of the game from him.

Then of course, I fell in love. He was an enigmatic leader of a group rogues. So dashing, so handsome, so charming. Women wanted him and men wanted to be him, the one, the only, Tallon of Neden. What can I say about the man that hasn’t already been said? I’ll just state that there is a large part of John Berrini deep inside of me, and I hope there always will be.

What was your best moment IC?

I’ll be giving away a little inside information on the questing methods of Neden, but I feel that it is worth it to convey the feel of this story. It was a Tournaments of Creathrone night quest and Neden was in its prime. 

We paired off into small questing groups consisting of two to three people. Each team was designed to be largely self-sufficient, able to fight, solve puzzles, regenerate and raise fellow members if anything went awry.

The goal was to have a team make it through the night quest as quickly as possible, without slowing down the whole group, and potentially claiming the treasure or prize at the end for our great Nation.

                This particular night was a doozy, Creathrone went all out, castle towers, pyrotechnics, and swaths of monsters in the field. I was a one path shaman at the time, sword and shield combo with my, let’s say unique, partner Rednuht , a fighter with a magic 6’6” spear which we affectionately called the… you know what, that’s not important to the story.  We decided to fight our way through the horde, straight down the middle. Other Neden questing teams skirted the battlefield to the left and right with one opting to sneak far through the woods.

Photo by Jesse Gifford
It was a rigorous fight across the battlefield, but we made our way in advance of the other nations, regenerating a few times and moving on. We reached the other side and emerged into a clearing slightly ahead of the Realms fighting force. Upon arriving I watched, giddy with excitement, as every other member of Neden materialized from seemingly every direction at almost the exact same time. Tallon was elated, exclaiming this is how we do, and waving his arms around like an inflatable arm flailing tube man.

                We set to work quickly attempting to free a girl trapped in a magical glowing cube like prison. We searched our surroundings, and began casting seer magic, disrupting spells, and disenchanting items. Some clever wording on a couple of Divine Interventions and we achieved our objective. And as we moved on to the next portion of the night quest, the heroes of the Realms began to filter in, trying to solve a mystery already long gone.

                That sense of problem solving teamwork is a feeling I’ll never forget. We celebrated that night in the Neden house, exactly like the stories I’m sure you’ve heard. It was truly the best of times.

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?

I’d say the day that I was voted into Neden. I felt a profound sense of belonging and connection to my brothers. It’s a strong memory and a very happy one. I would share more about the details of that day and night, but uhhhh, no, probably for the best.

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?

Photo by Angela Gray
I’d like to see more immersive roleplay come to the Realms. A tall order for sure, but I believe it is possible over time. For now, I think the best start would be to insist on using character names while on site, even if you are out of game. It’s easier than you think, once you get used to it, it becomes second nature.

What advice would you give new players?

            Ride your character like it’s a rented mule, dip your toes into everything, take chances, and get run over by that plot train. Hang with the more experienced players, shoehorn yourself into every happenstance. Don’t be afraid to get in trouble, go big, go over the top, you won’t regret it.

Another bit of advice I’d like to give is don’t allow other people to hamper your fun. Remember this is your hobby, this is what we love, don’t let anyone interfere with your good time.

What do you love most about the game?

I love being part of a team, the camaraderie. I love playing with my brethren. Together we strive to have the most fun, in that we always win. I understand it’s not a contest, but we are still winning.

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
            Sir Kugan

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?

I like to teach new players how to squeeze that sweet plot information. A few basic questions one can ask every face role NPC that may help you on your way.

What is your name as well as any titles or aliases you may be known by?
What do you want, and how can I help you to achieve that?
What resources do you have available to you?
What is the best way to get in contact with you if the need arises?
Lastly, and often most importantly; Is there anything else you’d like to tell me that you haven’t already said or you think I should know?

Whenever I play a face role I like to be able to answer these questions, I find they provide a good baseline for a character.

May the Laughing God smile upon you until the final joke is told.

-Rawlin of Neden