
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Shadow for a King by Karmha Celestine (Casey Lemay)

Now some say Jonas, The Shadowking, was a crook,
I ask you today to take a second look.
He wanted titles, like any man would
Just didn't go about it like one should.
He quested with us and fought the same foes,
But what he was thinking no one quite knows.
His heraldry he asked me, Karmha, to design,
And with that he changed a fate, that was mine.
His sister, Nadia. showed him some Shades,
A race in which she made them his slaves.
Now that he had ears to listen to him,
He went and stole a crown on a whim.
And with that action, led to war,
He now had the realms attention and much more.
It was at his coronation that he courted me,
A crown “oh my!” so I pursued it with glee.
Letters filled with love were written,
And soon I found my heart all smitten.
Never once did he ask me to do any harm,
I didn’t understand why the realms was at alarm.
He held a hunt and we only robbed him,
His opinion of the Realms soon went dim.
He went to Blackwood and brought food for all,
And I witnessed someone make a couple bad calls.
With Nadia now gone and dead,
Revenge is all that Jonas had in his head.
The letters stopped coming, I was concerned,
Little did I know that the blight was being churned.
The first I heard of it was at a factory,
I got to see Jonas! He asked me to take it to show loyalty?
That day when roaming along side my friends,
I kept getting rude orders to no ends.
See, shades never really swung on me,
So I got to roam places very freely.
Zatarra pointed out a room and off we went to explore.
It was only me who made it to the door.
And in it I found a mirror box with the cure,
I thought it could fix the Realms for sure.
But only one dose did it contain,
To keep it safe I must deal with some pain.
My beloved betrayed me and gave me the blight,
I was unsure what to do so I ran in fright.
I handed it over when I knew the same intentions were had,
And now I seem to be labeled as bad?
I had to see if Jonas was still the man I fell in love with,
And a ceremony, Sir Iawen, did offer to give.
So we met up one day and she happen to cure me,
And I finally showed Jonas the meaning of true loyalty.
And necklace of Nadia’s did I gift,
Which offered his heart a much needed lift.
A wedding was announced soon after,
With hopes of if joy and filled with laughter.
The wedding was preformed and lies were told,
With betrayal felt he then took my soul.
Heartbroken once again, my husband now doomed,
The bitter bride is now what loomed.
One by one the kings army did fall,
Until Tenebrous was the only one left of them all.
He protected me and respected me it was a tragic day.
And Shadow was the one to kill him to my dismay.
Once questing buddy and nation member,
He ascended to his plane this past September.
The short time we ventured together was a blast,
I’ll always love hearing stories of his past.
The crown he let me keep and the Queen he let me stay,
Is the reason I will celebrate Shadow each and everyday.
Jonas is dead because he became bitter and mean.
But I have it better now because I am Shadow’s Queen.