
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Memories of the Yule celebration at Uncle Cecil's Crazy Tavern

It was a blast, this was my first year and I will defiantly be going again. My sitter had bailed the night
Photo by Jesse Gifford
before so I thought I would have to stay home with her but everybody was so amazing with her. One of my favorite moments was when the king had the prince on one knee and Emma on the other and was reading to them. Another was when Emma was playing with another baby holding hands and swinging them up and down. And the gift swap was amazing too. I gave a jello shots game, some were lemon some were grape some were plain and some had vodka, and random ones had a surprise that was sour and they all had black food coloring so you couldn't tell which was which. I received an awesome pare of studded bracers which are prefect because I only had one point body armor. And the food was so good and there was so much of it... Thank you to everybody who staffed the event. It was so much fun, next year a more dependable sitter though. So I can participate and help out more.
- Calypso (Victoria Prescott)

Photo by Jesse Gifford
Uncle Cecil’s Crazy Tavern has and I believe always will be one of the biggest events of the year. Similar to Black and White, there’s a little bit of everything to enjoy. The questing was a good bit of fun, but not in the way I was expecting. Playing an impromptu game of eyeball stickball and watching a conga line of dead NPCs bustle on by battle for my favorite memory during the day. Also things got a little interesting up in the barn as I small group and I went to “dance” (spoiler: it wasn't dancing) But of course, as day turns to night so does questing turn to revelry. The tavern was a whirl of activity with gifts, chicken and alcohol flying about like a blizzard. The Bardic College put on a great show with some festive carols and an original song. I was very excited when Father Yule strolled in, sack filled with gifts for all the good little Realmsies. I wrote a letter to Father Yule at Black and White, so I was eager to see if I had made the good list this year. Low and behold, one of the first gifts pulled was for me! I excitedly scurried over to the throne, where there was an expertly wrapped gift awaiting me. I tore off the paper and there was a thing of pure beauty hidden underneath. Honestly this sword may have been more beautiful than most of the girls I’ve dated, and that’s saying something. It was poetry in motion, the stuff bards write about. Obviously I was overjoyed at the concept that this fine piece of art was to be mine, to the point where I needed to hug the nearest people in sight. It was a great moment. Watching other people get their presents was just as exciting though, and I’m still astounded at the level of craftsmanship within the Realms. Moral of the story: Always go to Uncle Cecil’s, it’s a guaranteed better time than eating fruit cake with your in-laws!- Swoop (Michael Zajac)

Dear Sir Lucas,

I was very floored to get something from Pater Yule, as I was expecting a Candy Cane for young Danielle instead.  I just have to figure out where I can use my gift, a 15-20 minute massage from Sir Malaki of Folkestone, and Sir Bright Oakfellow will watch Danielle for me.

I'm attempting to figure out where, though.  Feast of Leviathan?  Feast of Chimeron?  Right in the middle of a dungeon crawl?  I'm open to suggestions.  And grateful. So very, very grateful.

- Iawen (Xaos)