
Thursday, December 4, 2014

This Week Behind The Scenes At The View

Are you a nosey person?  Admit it. Part of you has always wondered what people are saying, about you, about other when you aren't around. Join us now for a special behind the scenes peek at the often silly and always hard working (or always silly and often hard working) staff of the View from Valehaven.  Featuring:

Kelly "Twenaria" Bonci

Alex "Lucas" Newbold
Angela "Phoenix" Gray and...

Jennifer "Areni" DeNardis-Rosa
First you need to understand that we spend HOURS a day dilligently discussing View topics... It is unusual to not have us connect on some urgent matter morning, noon, and night. Thus as you peek into our world note this is but a glimpe at the behind the scenes magic. Complete with typos but with minor editing to protect the not so innocent, I give you excerpts from Monday, December 1st & Tuesday, December 2nd.

Angie-I have a year's worth of new comics to start posting in January. they're very good
Alex-New comics?  Oooo.  Funny is good.  So that means its Not Mo right?
Angie-it does we'll give a teaser on the new one and remind people the old ones can be found on the realms sure the last week in December
Alex-Sounds good to me.SteveJ posted a QoH video.  Without a preview image, its just a Rick Roll isn't it?
Angie-no clue didn't watch it

Note- It wasn't a Rick Roll and was AWESOME- if you didn't watch it you should

Kelly-pre bed thought:
When we do the view awards, can we run a contest for a new realms logo, or new version of it to be used on our homepage?  I know the cottage image was only a place holder, but nothing was done with it.
Angie-let's do it in say February when there is little going on.I like the idea though.
Alex-Good plan, February works for me
Angie-maybe we need a shared calendar to put some things to remember on someone should work on that
Alex-Or a white board in the office conference room.   Right next to payroll.I'll poke at G+/Gmail calendar today and see what we can do
Angie-good boy  because if we go with the white board idea we're storing it at your house and having you send us all reminders at the appropriate time.
Jenn- Late to the conversation but yes, I think we should have a design-a-logo contest sometime in February and then re-vamp the whole look of the page I was thinking I could go thru at some point and reorganize some of the older content to make it easier to find
Alex-A Fresh New Look!!! The Map look is OK, but we might want something with more... flare.   Maybe a logo.  Or even old school Valehaven Heraldry funny thing, if you Google Image search Valehaven, one of the pictures that comes up.  Is Robyn licking her zoom lens.
Angie-contest no deciding what we want early :P
Alex-oh yeah contest, I need more coffee

Later that day about a "secret topic"
Alex-...I smell an editorial.
Angie-no balls
Alex-Oh wow, there's a lot of dirt on the underside of this I just got back from a ten year absence from the game. Anything I write is going to sound like "Hey you kids, get off my lawn"...
But I'm already typing...dammit
Angie- I knew you would

Later that day
Alex-Location for staff meeting?
Angie-skype would be my call
Jennifer-Yeah I don't actually want to see you guys.Just hear your beautiful voices
Alex-Angie, Jennifer thinks I smell.
Angie-Jennifer is a smart and beautiful woman
Alex-Angie is the queen of Sarcasm
Angie-nope really mean that
Alex-OK I admit, I smell.
Angie-(alex just implied you aren't smart and beautiful Jen-- bad Alex)
Alex-(fine, cut my Christmas bonus)
Angie-I really do want to selectively take chunks of our staff chats and run them as a "behind the scenes at the view" series
Jenn-Alex, you wound me
Alex-I have that affect on women, or so I'm told
Jenn-What would Jason say if he knew you were besmirching me thusly???
Alex-He'd shrug, hold his hands up to pantomime "leave me out of this"
Angie-he would never be so short spoken
Kelly-You guys are chatty today.I'm game for a meeting.And hooray for Alex!  Hooray for Jen being/not being smelly.Am I caught up?
Angie-it was Alex that was smelly. Other than that you're good
Kelly-Ok.For the record, Jen isn't smelly
Jenn-That's right. I douse myself with perfume every morning.
Alex-well that counts as a smell
Angie-the definition of smelly is "having a strong or unpleasant smell.". she is fragrant
Jenn-Lol that's right!
Alex-Next up in the View from Valehaven, a stunning behind the scenes look at how the Staff spends hours discussing the important hot button topics of how we can better the Realms.