
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

On Becoming A Squire- By Zach "Rubis" Senchuk

I didnt take much into consideration when I was asked to be a squire. I had been playing the game for 2 years and was only 13 years old.  I knew very little about Phoenix and I knew less about what it meant to be a squire. I asked Alex Sokolowski (Airavarri) what being a squire meant and he explained it as an opprotunity to learn, that my knight would teach my many different things, and that being a knight of an order would take about 3 years to achieve. I knew Phoenix wanted to squire me to the Knights of Chaos, knowing what both me and my character Rubis Nosetti were like this seemed to be the perfect fit and I didn't question it at all.

If I knew back when I first was asked to be a squire what I know now I would have asked the following things: What part of the game are you influential in? (I think this is important to understand, I don't think it should be a reason to say no but knowing where this person is most active will give you an idea of the people you're liking to socialize with and the part of game you're more likely to get to know). What are the tenants of your order? (Knowing what your knighthood stands for and expects from you is a good indication if the knighthood is good for you or not) Who are the knights in your order? (This is another question that gives you a good sense of the order, you'll likely be given tasks from knights other than your own and if you have a large concern about other knights its good to express that to your knight) What are you weaknesses? (This is a more personal question I would ask to see how my potential knight see themselves. I would ever say no because of this answer but would be curious  a knight-squire relationship goes both ways, you might even be able to help out your knight!) What do you think my weaknesses are and how do you think we can improve them? (This is the final question I would ask, This question shows off what they see in you but also gives you a good example of what they will be like to work with. If everything goes well this is a good point to start off the relationship with you both understanding what things you should work on)