
Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Bardic Circle: Anthem

Anthem for Rhiassa

          As a belated Yule gift for our fellow countrymen and women, Lord Aeston and I commissioned one of the foremost bards in all the Realms to write for Rhiassa a song that we could all be proud both to stand up for and stand behind. A song that could put into words the depth of  our emotions towards Rhiassa, and all that we are able to achieve together. A song that illustrates not only what the institution of Rhiassa itself means to us, but also shows the foundation that Rhiassa is built upon. And most of all, a song to show how honored we are to have so many strong, dedicated, and stalwart friends standing with us wearing the Red and Black, doing our heraldry proud. It is no easy task to turn these types of thoughts into music, but Sir Makhta was more than a match for the challenge that was set to her. The Anthem is a gift given to Rhiassa in the present, but draws heavily upon our past, and will remain both a guiding beacon into our future and something we will treasure for years to come.  
- Dame Areni Stromgate

Sir Makhta performs (photo by Dustin Mack)

Listen to the Anthem as performed by Sir Makhta:

And read along with the lyrics:

Shining dawn greets a nation fair

Built on trust, dedication and care

To make the Realms stronger, they give it all

No hardship turns them away

For the service you offer, the gifts you share

Rhiassa, your pride leads the way

Bound as one, together they rise

On kinsmen relying through all sacrifice

Their trust never shaken, the lion’s heart

Shall from its home never stray

Where blood runs thick in fellowship

Rhiassa, your pride leads the way

United in battle, in all you achieve

To higher goals ever strive

Your tireless work and creative might

Will keep your vision alive

The sun dips gold as you gather as one

To celebrate all that you have done

For all you endure to serve the Realms

May the red and black ever stay

And evermore may your heart endure

Rhiassa, your pride leads the way

Forevermore may your heart endure

Rhiassa, your pride leads the way


Photo by Dustin Mack

[Editor's note: the Anthem was written by Kathy Fey and performed by her at the end of Rhiassan Court at Feast of the Leviathan 17, on January 17, 2015]