
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The End of the Beginning by Jeremy "Ender" Burger

Where have I been?  Well...that's a bit of a complicated story.  I suppose I should start at the beginning, as any good story is wont to do.  Actually, I need to start a bit before the beginning...

I'm certain that everybody remembers the invasion by the Illinar Empire.  Well, I am sad to say that I was a part of that, only on the wrong side.  Many years ago, I had been captured by Illinar, and they used some impressive magic to turn me into their pawn.  For all intents and purposes, I was normal.  But, when Illinar needed information from the Realms, they would activate me.  This went on for a while.  Then, Illinar finally bore their full might onto the Realms.  They didn't need an insider anymore, but rather than simply let me go, they twisted the knife, and forced me to kill and scalp Phoenix at the Feast of Achoria.  I carry the guilt for this action every day, even though I was not in control.

Once the invasion truly began, I was taken back to Illinar for experimentation.  There, they realized my connection to Fortuna, an aspect of the goddess of luck, chance, and fate.  They, too, worship an aspect of her, but instead of Fortuna, they pray to Tyche.  Subtle difference, but it's important.  Important enough that through magic that not even I could understand, they twisted my fealty to Fortuna, forcing me to instead worship Tyche.

That doesn't seem that bad, does it?  Well, the reason they did this was bad.  They exploited my connection to Tyche to use me as a...well, I guess the best way to describe it is a living divining rod.  Through me, they could delve into the strands of Fate, and see the outcomes of their actions before they committed to them.  In addition, they could...influence...the strands of Fate enough to help insure their success.  The only possible benefit I could see was that thanks to this ritual they were using on me, I could see the strands of my own Fate.  It was the only thing keeping me together, knowing that there was a chance, however slim, that I could escape.

My incarceration only lasted until the Empire was routed in their attacks against the Realms.  They couldn't pay attention to me as much anymore, and I exploited that flaw, plus a little foreknowledge, and got myself out of there.  I would love to say that I "showed them what for", but no.  My only thought was escape, so I snuck myself out.  Less heroic, but at least it's honest.

I ventured back to the Realms at this point, hoping that I could find some validation in the end of the invasion by Illinar, but I missed that.  Instead, I arrived after the climax of the invasion, to find that people didn't hold my actions against me.  I was very relieved, but I still carry the guilt of things with me.  It is what it is, I suppose.

I wasn't in the Realms long, though.  No, the three-faced goddess had some other plans.  She wasn't completely aware of what was going on in Illinar, but it didn't take her long to find out.  Once I had announced myself to her, and took up posession of the Cloth and Hilt of Fortuna, Tyche decided that action must be taken.  With little fanfare, she snatched me up (and the Cloth and Hilt, of which I am so sorry) and delivered me to her realm.

I wish I could explain to you what it's like being in the direct presence of a goddess...but I can't.  See, Tyche was a bit angry at my apparent back-and-forth with her and Fortuna, so she decided to make things final.  That was all it was supposed to be, really.  It didn't work out that way.  Very quickly, Tyche realized the mess that Illinar had made of my mind.  Directly manipulating fate is...well, to her, it's really bad.  Look is okay, touchie is bad.

So, with a dismissive wave of her hand, she began to remove that knowledge from my mind.

It was not a pleasant experience.  And she, as is her nature, was not exactly gentle about it.  She removed all of the visions I had seen under the Illinari yoke, but did not care if other things went with it.  I have...holes, now.  Things I can't remember.  Stories in my head that have a beginning, but no ending.  If I don't remember you, please don't take offense.

So now, Tyche has finally released me, having pulled out everything I had learned about my future Fate.  She has given me a mission: I am to deliver unto her follower, Phoenix (there's a lot of irony in that decision), the Hilt of Tyche (a few modifications made it hers).  I was never supposed to be her Champion, as she made abundantly clear.  So I am to hand that responsibility over to someone who is perhaps more in line with finding a Champion.  It could be her, for all I know.  No, now I have been returned to restore the threads of Fate surrounding the Realms.  To further her cause of Fate, but to not interfere with it.  I am now her priest, and I hope someday that I can prove to her my worth, and take the name of High Priest.

But for now, I'm just trying to find my way.  I see some faces I know, some faces I don't, and some faces I should.  It has been a harrowing experience, and I find myself still in some of the same patterns.  But soon, I hope, I will be able to face what I've done, what I've been through, and find a way to forgive myself.